Appendix 1 Infrastructure Requirements

Showing comments and forms 1 to 4 of 4



Representation ID: 23400

Received: 08/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Riseborough

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

I believe there is a shortfall in sewage treatment provision in Aylsham. The statement that "there may be future capacity issues to be addressed". Is not good enough. There needs to be a clear plan in place prior to any increase in housing in Aylsham.

Change suggested by respondent:

A clear statement from Anglian Water of how the sewage from the proposed developments is to be dealt with.

Full text:

I believe there is a shortfall in sewage treatment provision in Aylsham. The statement that "there may be future capacity issues to be addressed". Is not good enough. There needs to be a clear plan in place prior to any increase in housing in Aylsham.



Representation ID: 23401

Received: 08/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Riseborough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The comments surrounding Primary care, Hospital provision and mental health provision seems to be very much jam tomorrow. As anyone who lives locally will know, the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital struggles, the mental health care provision has lurched from disaster to disaster and the ambulance trust has been fined for poor performance. There is no mention of dentists even though there is a shortage of NHS provision. All this and the suggested demographic of future residents is an older and therefore increasingly needy population.

Change suggested by respondent:

Investment before construction.

Full text:

The comments surrounding Primary care, Hospital provision and mental health provision seems to be very much jam tomorrow. As anyone who lives locally will know, the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital struggles, the mental health care provision has lurched from disaster to disaster and the ambulance trust has been fined for poor performance. There is no mention of dentists even though there is a shortage of NHS provision. All this and the suggested demographic of future residents is an older and therefore increasingly needy population.



Representation ID: 23934

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This appendix provides additional detail to support policy 4 of this plan (a separate representation has been submitted regarding Policy 4). The Appendix sets out infrastructure requirements to serve growth including those identified in the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR).

Norfolk Constabulary recognise the importance of providing robust and fully justified evidence to support the infrastructure requirements. Norfolk Constabulary are submitting a Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper which will detail the infrastructure needs of the police.

The Regulation 18 version recognised these needs were important and therefore the provisions in the Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper should be included and the requirements of the Police recognised in the Policy 4 and Appendix 1 so that funding is secured for the necessary police infrastructure to cater for the planned growth and ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.

Change suggested by respondent:

The summary of police infrastructure requirements should be included in Appendix 1 (with its associated cross reference to Policy 4).

Full text:

This appendix provides additional detail to support policy 4 of this plan (a separate representation has been submitted regarding Policy 4). The Appendix sets out infrastructure requirements to serve growth including those identified in the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR).

Norfolk Constabulary recognise the importance of providing robust and fully justified evidence to support the infrastructure requirements. Norfolk Constabulary are submitting a Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper which will detail the infrastructure needs of the police.

The Regulation 18 version recognised these needs were important and therefore the provisions in the Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper should be included and the requirements of the Police recognised in the Policy 4 and Appendix 1 so that funding is secured for the necessary police infrastructure to cater for the planned growth and ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.



Representation ID: 24401

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Hingham Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

GNLP Part 1 The Strategy Appendix 1 – Infrastructure Requirements is in general very limited in its commitment to provide infrastructure to support the housing
numbers allocated, with NO commitment to Hingham stipulated.

During the Regulation 18C consultation Hingham Town Council submitted representations to POLICY 4 - STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE (see evidence 6a), There is no evidence to show that these representations have been given consideration.

With specific reference to Hingham, no infrastructure needs have been identified within the GNLP, despite the cumulative impact of development within the town
over the past decades and the extensive development in the nearby Breckland area.

Please see the document :
HTC Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Response
for detailed representations and evidence

Change suggested by respondent:

Duty to Co-operate needs to be fulfilled in terms of a full and proper appraisal of Hingham to enable sustainable development, including improvements to
infrastructure and services. This should include a commitment to improving the Library and inclusion of any results of the NCC Parish Partnership Scheme study,
that identifies a feasible solution to improving junction safety at the Attenborough Rd/Dereham Rd/B1108 Fairland crossroads and the inclusion of a pedestrian
priority crossing point that will best serve all residents of Hingham, therefore giving value to the £10,000 investment already made (50/50 Hingham Town
Council and NCC)

With regard to housing numbers a maximum housing allocation should be set for each allocated site, to ensure aggressive development doesn’t take place and
appropriate densities are not disregarded.

Please see the document :
HTC Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Response
for detailed representations and evidence

Full text:

Please see the document :
HTC Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Response
for detailed representations and evidence
Representation 1 -
Site specific – relating to GNLP0503
Representation regarding the inclusion in the GNLP of (Land north of Springfield Way and west of Dereham
Road) GNLP0503, for develop of approximately 20 homes
Representations 2
Site specific GNLP0520
Representation regarding the inclusion in the GNLP of “Land south of Norwich Road, Hingham GNLP0520”
Representation 3
With regard to the site selection process:
The rejection of sites as reasonable alternatives, therefore no reasonable alternatives were put forward for the Regulation 18c consultation.
Representation 4
Regarding the plan making process
Representation 5
Policy 5.36. Two sites are allocated providing for at least 100 new homes in the key service centre (one for 80 homes, one for 20 homes). There are no carried forward residential allocations and a total of 20 additional dwellings with planning permission on small sites. This gives a total deliverable housing commitment for the key service centre of 120 homes between 2018 – 2038.
Representation 6 - Infrastructure requirements
Representation 7 - Settlement map
Representation 8 - Green Infrastructure Study
Representation 9 - Equality Impact Assessment