
Showing comments and forms 1 to 8 of 8


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 12808

Received: 11/01/2018

Respondent: Mr John Fleetwood

Representation Summary:

The site is very close to Peaseacre Wood, a Planted Ancient Woodland site. Ancient woodlands are precious and must be protected and the close proximity of the proposed development would greatly threaten the future of the wood

Full text:

The site is very close to Peaseacre Wood, a Planted Ancient Woodland site. Ancient woodlands are precious and must be protected and the close proximity of the proposed development would greatly threaten the future of the wood


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 13394

Received: 28/02/2018

Respondent: Mrs Sue Rowland

Representation Summary:

The doctors surgeries in Wymondham can't cope as it is...there are no appointments available unless it is very very urgent. Wymondham can not sustain large scale house building the size of this site.

Full text:

The doctors surgeries in Wymondham can't cope as it is...there are no appointments available unless it is very very urgent. Wymondham can not sustain large scale house building the size of this site.


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 13396

Received: 28/02/2018

Respondent: Mrs Sue Rowland

Representation Summary:

The doctors surgeries in Wymondham can't cope as it is...there are no appointments available unless it is very very urgent. Wymondham can not sustain large scale house building the size of this site.

Full text:

The doctors surgeries in Wymondham can't cope as it is...there are no appointments available unless it is very very urgent. Wymondham can not sustain large scale house building the size of this site.


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 14013

Received: 14/03/2018

Respondent: Ms Helen Keegan

Representation Summary:

This would destroy the open view from our house on Park Lane. Access to the proposed site would increase traffic on this very quiet residential road. Wymondham cannot cope with more housing, particularly when built beside existing houses. This site is arable farmland and that must be preserved, for National food security if nothing else.

Full text:

This would destroy the open view from our house on Park Lane. Access to the proposed site would increase traffic on this very quiet residential road. Wymondham cannot cope with more housing, particularly when built beside existing houses. This site is arable farmland and that must be preserved, for National food security if nothing else.


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 15609

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher

Representation Summary:

Such a huge development will damage the environment and is totally inappropriate for a small town like Wymondham. It should not be considered. Increased traffic is a major concern as is the effect on the rural look of much of the town.

Full text:

Such a huge development will damage the environment and is totally inappropriate for a small town like Wymondham. It should not be considered. Increased traffic is a major concern as is the effect on the rural look of much of the town.


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 15616

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher

Representation Summary:

This is a threat to the nature of the town. Such a massive development would be out of character , damage the environment and add to the traffic problems. It is completely unacceptable to increase the population so significantly. This is the most unacceptable proposal of them all for Wymondham and should be rejected out of hand.

Full text:

This is a threat to the nature of the town. Such a massive development would be out of character , damage the environment and add to the traffic problems. It is completely unacceptable to increase the population so significantly. This is the most unacceptable proposal of them all for Wymondham and should be rejected out of hand.


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 16761

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Pelham (South Wymondham) Ltd

Agent: dha Planning

Representation Summary:

Detailed representation in support of site GNLP0515, Land at South Wymondham, in the context of Section 4 - The Strategy. See full text and attached representation form incorporating Framework Plan and Phase Location Plan for full detail.

Full text:

Comments in respect of section 4 - The Strategy (paras 4.1 to 4.66)
On behalf of Pelham (South Wymondham) Ltd, hereafter referred to as 'Pelham we wish to reiterate the suitability of land within its ownership at South Wymondham (reference GNLP0515 hereafter referred to as 'the site'), which is currently included within the site consultation document for comment.
This representation should be read in accordance with Pelham's representation on the wider growth strategy.
Site Context
The site is situated within a sustainable location close to Wymondham Railway Station and Town Centre with excellent links to the many facilities and amenities that are provided within the settlement. It also benefits from good access to the strategic road network and would integrate with the ongoing expansion of the town. It is therefore highly accessible by multiple modes of transport.
We note that differing landowners have promoted growth in alternative directions around the town. In this regard, the south of Wymondham represents the most sustainable and accessible location for future expansion. We draw this conclusion for a number of sound planning reasons.
The existing orientation of the settlement puts the heart of the town centre and key transport hubs on the outer southern edge and as such expanding immediately to the south of the town centre around it will place it in the centre of the expanded urban area, strengthening the appeal of the town centre and improving economic conditions. In contrast, promoting growth to the north or west of Wymondham will place new residents in heavy reliance upon private vehicles and would suffer a complete lack of pedestrian access or links to public transport. Furthermore, future residents are just as likely to travel north away from the town to access key facilities.
The only area of land that is accessible to the eastern edge is too dramatically disjointed as a result of both the railway line and the established commercial operations that lie on Ayton Road.
From a strategic perspective, development to the north/north east will have an impact upon the separation of Wymondham and Hethersett and has the potential for causing the coalescence of the two settlements. Regard must also be had to natural boundaries and expansion beyond the plan period. Expansion to the south is both sustainable and restricted to the hard boundary provided by the A11 and so growth will not sprawl beyond this natural barrier.
Growth to the east and west would be restricted by the A11/railway line respectively, but the available land parcels are not of sufficient scale to provide long term or sustainable growth. There are no barriers to stop unrestricted growth north of the B1135.
In summary, the south of Wymondham is the heart of the settlement and offers the best links to transport hubs, jobs and services. Furthermore, its characteristics are such that it offers the best opportunity for plan led strategic growth. Parcel GNLPO515 therefore represents a logical area for future strategic and sustainable growth.
Pelham has previously promoted and is delivering major growth to the west and east of Silfield Road (Phase 1). Our client directly obtained the relevant outline permission for the existing planned growth and the detailed phases of development are subsequently now being delivered on the ground by national house builders including Taylor Wimpey and Bovis Homes. Pelham therefore has a good track record of delivery. The land now being proposed amounts to what would logically be considered as a second phase of the development and therefore the ability to properly integrate new development makes site GNLP0515 the ideal location for growth.
The Phase Location Plan 206-S-009 attached to this representation illustrates the combined effect of the Phase 1 development of 1230 houses currently underway at South Wymondham and the proposed Phase 2 adjoining development of a minimum of 1,375 houses re-balancing the position of the town centre and enabling sustainable growth to be delivered.
The Phase 2 land to which this representation relates is approximately 78 ha, half of which is proposed for residential led mixed use development. Initial concepts suggest 39 ha of the land could deliver a minimum of 1,375 new homes, a new school and associated retail and commercial floor space, all of which would complement the emerging area of growth. The residual 39ha would be retained as open space to enhance the wider green infrastructure network.
Whilst detailed proposals are yet to be advanced, and would be subject to meaningful dialogue with the LPA, the Local Community and key stakeholders, we attach to this representation Framework Plan 226-5-007 to provide an indicative masterplan illustrating what could reasonably be achieved.
The site is wholly suitable for residential development. From an environmental perspective, the land has extremely low landscape value and does not form any formal planning designation such as green belt or area of outstanding natural beauty. Furthermore, there are no overriding environmental constraints that would prevent development.
The site does not lie within or in immediate proximity to any nationally or European designated site such that development of the site would be contrary to the Habitat Regulations or adversely affect the integrity of any designated sites. The closest site of note is the Lower Wood Ashwellthorpe SSSI which is some 3km to the south east and will remain undisturbed.
The predominant land use within the site is agriculture the majority of which is arable in nature. There are no public records of any farming related Environmental Stewardship Schemes in existence within the site which confirms that the actively farmed areas of the site are likely to be of limited ecological value.
Full arboricultural investigations will be required. However, we do not envisage tree impact to be an absolute constraint to development. The majority of trees on the site are in groups that can be maintained and incorporated into landscape and open space features. Furthermore, substantially increased levels of planting are likely to be achieved as a result of a comprehensive landscape led approach to the master planning process. There are no areas of ancient woodland.
The site falls within an area that does not directly impact the setting of any listed building. Furthermore, given the locality of the land, the relative distance to the nearest listed building and Schedule [sic] Monuments and the findings, the archaeological potential of a site is considered to be low. However, the site consists of undeveloped land and therefore there remains some element of risk of an archaeological find and therefore a precautionary approach would be applied.
The site itself comprises a mixture of arable land and a number of perimeter trees. However, overall the site is considered to be of low or limited ecological value and this is not considered to represent a significant risk to its development potential. Nevertheless, as part of any formal application proposals it would be necessary to undertake both a phase 1 ecological walkover survey of the site area and a tree survey to identify any trees of value and their root protection areas. Should protected species be identified further survey work would likely be needed.
Site Potential
Based on the submitted Framework Plan, Phase 2. 1 of the proposed development could be progressed immediately with approximately 300 new homes being capable for delivery in the immediate first five years of the plan period. The emerging Bovis and Taylor Wimpey scheme delivers a new access link onto Park Lane which would form the principal access to the initial 300 units that can immediately be delivered to the west of Park Lane. A further emergency access could also be achieved adjacent to the Green Lane/Park Lane junction but would not be reliant on this for any through traffic.
Subsequent phases will require upgrading of the highway network, including the rail underpass at the north end of Si/field Road, the provision of a subway under the rail line, walking and cycling infrastructure along Si/field Lane and Station Road and upgrade works at the Station Road/London Road junction to the north. The precise nature of the infrastructure upgrades will be subject to detailed discussions with key stakeholders as the plan making process progresses. However, we can confirm that all of the necessary upgrades can be delivered in the context of a scheme of the nature proposed and our client controls sufficient land to deliver wider upgrades within and around the site if they prove necessary.
In respect of deliverability, the land has no planning history of relevance nor any history of unimplemented permissions and there are no known impediments to the site being phased for early commencement within the 0 -5 year period.
No unexpected financial restrictions are anticipated that would impact upon the viability of the site nor that would prohibit development coming through within the early stages of the plan period. To the contrary, we consider there to be an opportunity to deliver a high quality and exemplar scheme.
The site is in control of a single land owner and there are no complicated legal agreements or covenants that would prohibit the ability to bring the site forward early in the plan period.
Taking all of the above into account, we consider the site represents the most suitable location for the growth and expansion of Wymondham.


Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 16794

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: The Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

Adjacent to ancient woodland - see full comments

Full text:

As the UK's leading woodland conservation charity, the Woodland Trust aims to protect native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future. Through the restoration and improvement of woodland biodiversity and increased awareness and understanding of important woodland, these aims can be achieved. We own over 1,250 sites across the UK, covering around 23,000 hectares (57,000 acres) and we have 500,000 members and supporters.
Ancient woodland is defined as an irreplaceable natural resource that has remained constantly wooded since AD1600. The length at which ancient woodland takes to develop and evolve (centuries, even millennia), coupled with the vital links it creates between plants, animals and soils accentuate its irreplaceable status. The varied and unique habitats ancient woodland sites provide for many of the UK's most important and threatened fauna and flora species cannot be re-created and cannot afford to be lost. As such, the Woodland Trust aims to prevent the damage, fragmentation and loss of these finite irreplaceable sites from any form of disruptive development.
We are concerned about a number of site allocations included in the attached table as they could lead to the damage and loss of ancient woodland.
Planning policy
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 118 states that "planning permission should be refused for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, including ancient woodland and the loss of aged or veteran trees found outside ancient woodland, unless the need for, and benefits of, the development in that location clearly outweigh the loss."
Natural England's standing advice for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees states:
"Trees and woodland classed as 'ancient' or 'veteran' are irreplaceable. Ancient woodland takes hundreds of years to establish and is considered important for its wildlife, soils, recreation, cultural value, history and contribution to landscapes."
The Housing White Paper published on 7th February 2017 further shows the government's intent to improve planning protections for ancient woodland. This revised protection reinforces the approach set out in paragraph 118 (as set out above) to restrict development of ancient woodland as to do so would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework presumption in favour of sustainable development (as set out in paragraph 14) and the revised draft NPPF at paragraph 173c states .."development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland) should be refused, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable mitigation strategy exists Where development would involve the loss of individual aged or veteran trees that lie outside ancient woodland, it should be refused unless the need for, and benefits of, development in that location would clearly outweigh the loss";...."

Impacts on ancient woodland
Approximately one quarter of priority UK BAP species are associated with woodland habitats. Forests, woods, and trees make a significant contribution to biodiversity, and ancient sites are recognised as being of particular value. Due to their longevity, ancient woodlands are more species rich, and are often refuges for specialist woodland species that struggle to colonise new areas.
Development in ancient woodland can lead to long-term changes in species composition, particularly ground flora and sensitive fauna, i.e. nesting birds, mammals and reptiles. Majorly adverse impacts would occur as a result of the removal of large areas of woodland, much of which contains high quality, valuable trees, to make way for the construction of this proposal.
When land use is changed to a more intensive use such as in this situation plant and animal populations are exposed to environmental impacts from outside of the woodland. In particular, the habitats will become more vulnerable to the outside influences, or edge effects, that result from the adjacent land's change of use. These detrimental edge effects can result in changes to the environmental conditions within the woodland and consequently affecting the wood's stable conditions. Detrimental edge effects have been shown to penetrate woodland causing changes in ancient woodland characteristics that extend up to three times the canopy height in from the forest edges.
Creation of new areas of woodland or buffer zones around semi-natural habitats, and more particularly ancient woodland, will help to reduce and ameliorate the impact of damaging edge effects, serving to improve their sustainability. The size of the buffer is dependent on the intensity of land use in the intervening matrix between ancient woods.
Natural England's standing advice for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees states:
"Impacts of development nearby can include these effects on the trees and woodland, and the species they support:
* compacting the soil around tree roots
* breaking up or destroying connections between woodland and other habitats
* reducing the amount of semi-¬natural habitats (like parks) next to ancient woodland
* changing the water table or drainage
* increasing the amount of pollution, including dust
* increasing disturbance to wildlife from additional traffic and visitors
* increasing light pollution
* increasing damaging activities like fly¬tipping and the impact of domestic pets
* changing the landscape character of the area."
Development must be kept as far as possible from ancient woodland, with a buffer area maintained between the ancient woodland and any development boundary. An appropriate buffer area will depend on the local circumstances and Natural England recommend "leaving an appropriate buffer zone of semi-natural habitat between the development and the ancient woodland or tree (depending on the size of development, a minimum buffer should be at least 15 metres)."
The size of a number of the site allocations suggests that large scale development could potentially take place. The minimum 15m buffer recommendation to all development is not effective in ensuring that ancient woodland within and/or adjacent to site allocations is not affected by potential future development. Buffers should be constructed on a case-by-case basis rather than a 'one size fits all' approach.

The Trust is concerned about the potentially adverse impacts that the proposed site allocations will have in relation to areas of ancient woodland within and/or adjacent to site allocations. Ancient woodland should not be included in areas that are allocated for development, whether for residential, leisure or community purposes as this leaves them open to the impacts of development.
The Woodland Trust objects to the inclusion of site allocations in the table attached, as they are likely to cause damage and/or loss to areas of ancient woodland or to ancient trees within or adjacent to their boundaries. For this reason we believe the sites in the table below are unsound and should not be taken forward. Secondary woodland should also be retained to ensure that ecological networks are maintained and enhanced.