Site Proposals document

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Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14675

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

Objection on the grounds of negative impact on landscape character of the Attlebridge Hills and Wensum Valley. Also, the site includes a chalk pit of geological interest, listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as site BRL01 and subject of geological research since the 19th century (Blake 1888, Wood 1988). If development were granted we request that plans be made conditional upon providing geological exposures of chalk as part of a nature conservation area as part of Green Infrastructure.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14676

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We conditionally object to this proposal. This site includes a chalk pit of geological interest, listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as site BRL15. It provides degraded exposures of the Cretaceous Campanian Chalk of the Beeston Chalk sub-division. The site has a history of research (Peake 1960, Pitchford 1990, Whittlesea 2007) and is a former geological SSSI and also a CWS. If development were granted we strongly request that plans be made conditional upon providing geological exposures of chalk to make a nature conservation area for Green Infrastructure, thus conserving the site's geological as well as wildlife interest.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14677

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We wish to object to this site proposal on the grounds of its negative impact on the landscape setting and countryside character of the Wensum Valley.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14678

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We wish to object to this site proposal on the grounds of its negative impact on local landscape character and the countryside setting of the Broads National Park.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14681

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We conditionally object to Site 0133D, which includes a chalk pit of geological interest listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as site NCH04. It provides degraded exposures of the Pre-Weybourne Chalk sub-division, a horizon subject to ongoing palaeontological research by Portsmouth University. If development were granted we strongly request that plans be made conditional upon the provision of chalk exposures, as part of Green Infrastructure provision, thus enhancing the site's geological and also wildlife interest. We unconditionally object to Sites 0133E and 0133F, on grounds of negative impact on the landscape character of the Yare Valley.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14682

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We conditionally object to this proposal.
We note that the site is part of the Mousehold Heath glaciofluvial outwash plain and is close to the findspot of a notable Neanderthal 'bout coupé' handaxe found on slightly lower ground near Valley Drive, 1935. It is recorded as NHER 468. It is associated with superficial deposits of solifluction origin rather than the underlying glaciofluvial deposits, which implies that the handaxe could have moved into its present position from higher ground.
If development were granted we strongly request that plans be made conditional upon a watching brief for possible Palaeolithic archaeological interest.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14686

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We wish conditionally to support this site proposal. We note that the area of GNLP 0552 includes the Barford Borehole Site listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as Site SNF07. It is the location of a British Geological Survey (BGS) borehole proving the presence of a buried channel in Chalk bedrock containing lake deposits of Hoxnian interglacial age. Such Hoxnian deposits are rare and need further palaeo-environmental research. If development is approved at 0552 we request it is conditional upon samples and results of site investigation boreholes being sent to the BGS archive.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14687

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We wish to object to this site proposal on the grounds of negative impact on the landscape character and countryside setting of the Wensum Valley. Furthermore we note that it includes a chalk pit of great geological interest, listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as site SNF28. It is significant exposure of the Chalk of the Pre-Weybourne Chalk sub-division with a rich fossil fauna (Wood 1988, Gale 2014). If development were granted we urgently request that plans be made conditional upon providing chalk exposures as part of a nature conservation area for Green Infrastructure, supporting wildlife as well as geology.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14690

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We conditionally object to this site proposal. We note that it includes a gravel pit of geological interest, listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as site SNF37. It is a notable exposure of the 'cannon-shot' gravels composing the Westlodge Hills and other parts of the Ringland Hills outwash plain system, dating from the Anglian glaciation (Straw 1973). If development were granted on this site we request that plans be made conditional upon providing adequate geological exposures of the 'cannon-shot' gravels, as part of a nature conservation area for Green Infrastructure, to conserve the site's geological as well as wildlife interest.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 14692

Received: 20/03/2018

Respondent: Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership

Representation Summary:

We conditionally object to this site proposal. We note that it includes a gravel pit listed in the Norfolk Geodiversity Audit as site SNF47. It is an important site for interpreting the geological succession in south-east Norfolk and the Waveney valley, comprising Crag Group, Kesgrave, Corton and Lowestoft Formations (Arthurton et al 1994, Moorlock et al 2000). If development were granted on this site we request that plans be made conditional upon providing adequate geological exposures of this geology, as part of a nature conservation area contributing to Green Infrastructure and supporting wildlife as well as geology.

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