Site Proposals document
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Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14479
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
This site is outside the settlement limit and is remote from either Felthorpe, Horsford or Drayton and is unstainable and would rely on private means of transport. Any development would result in a lose of rural character of the lane.
This site is outside the settlement limit and is remote from either Felthorpe, Horsford or Drayton and is unstainable and would rely on private means of transport. Any development would result in a lose of rural character of the lane.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14481
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
This site is outside of the settlement limit and is in the critical drainage area as indentifed in the Norwich Urban Surface Water Management Plan. The road link on to Taverham Rd is not suitable. Part of the site is on a flood plain and is adjacent to a SSSi site. The site also is not suported within the policies of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan policy 5 on flooding.The site levels are also problematical.
This site is outside of the settlement limit and is in the critical drainage area as indentifed in the Norwich Urban Surface Water Management Plan. The road link on to Taverham Rd is not suitable. Part of the site is on a flood plain and is adjacent to a SSSi site. The site also is not suported within the policies of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan policy 5 on flooding.The site levels are also problematical.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14482
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
This site received full planning permission at BDC planning meeting 31st Jan 2018.
This site received full planning permission at BDC planning meeting 31st Jan 2018.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14483
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
This site is outside of the settlement limit and is adjacent to Drayton Wood which is a County Wildlife site The development is contrary to policy 8 of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan.
This site is outside of the settlement limit and is adjacent to Drayton Wood which is a County Wildlife site The development is contrary to policy 8 of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14484
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
This site is outside of the settlement limit and is adjacent to Drayton Wood which is a County Wildlife site The development is contrary to policy 8 of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan.
This site is outside of the settlement limit and is adjacent to Drayton Wood which is a County Wildlife site The development is contrary to policy 8 of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14486
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
* Outside of the Settlement Limit
* Inside critical drainage area
* Remote and would be unsympathetic with form or character of village
* No connection with village facilities
* Does not meet DCO requirement 28 of NDR feeder roads.
* If approved this would seriously question validity of DCO for the NDR
This site is outside of the settlement limit and does not relate well to the village. It is unsympathetic with form and character of the village and is remote from all services with no footway link and would rely on private forms of transport and is therefore unstainable. It is also in the critical drainage area as identified in the Norwich Urban Surface Water Management Plan. Drayton Parish Council and its residents engaged fully with NCC on traffic flow measures as part of the NDR link feeder roads. The traffic modelling was critical and challenging and the Parish Council made representations to the Planning Inspectorate. Measures were approved to meet requirement 28 for the approval of the Development Consent Order for the scheme. These were based on the known sites in the site allocation DPD 2016. These were known as DRA1 and DRA2. If this site was to come forward Drayton Parish Council will at the highest level challenge the validity of the approved scheme.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14490
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
* Site is landlocked and access unsuitable
* Remote from village facilities
* Adjacent to County Wildlife site
* Site is contrary to Drayton Neighbourhood Plan policy 8
* Contrary to NDR feeder roads traffic modelling for Development Consent Order and would question validity of the approval of the DCO for the NDR
* Permission refused previously for this site
* Site is within Norwich Airport Crash Safety Zone
The site is landlocked and access on to Reepham Rd is unsuitable. The site is remote from the village facilities and is outside of the settlement limit. It is adjacent to a County Wildlife site and is contrary to policy 8 of Drayton Neighbourhood Plan. Some sections could be affected by surface water flooding. The site is also within the Norwich Airport safety crash zone. Drayton Parish Council and its residents engaged fully with NCC on traffic flows for the NDR feeder roads. Identified point A77 (between Reepham Rd and Drayton Wood Rd) on the annual average daily traffic (AADT) as part of the document 5.6 of the DCO approved by the Planning Inspectorate and Government showed an increase by 2032 by over 23% because of the NDR opening. These figures were modelled on all known housing development as identified in the site allocation DPD 2016. Any development on this road would challenge the validity of the NDR and would be challenged by Drayton Parish Council at the highest level. For your information a planning application ref 82.2048 was refused by Broadland District Council on 5.11.82
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14492
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
The site is outside the settlement limit and is adjacent to Drayton Drewary which is Common Land and also adjacent to Green Infrastructure land which is contrary to policy 8 of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan. Since the opening of the NDR this has become a valuable walking route (GI) and Drayton Parish Council would wish to avoid developing this area.
The site is outside the settlement limit and is adjacent to Drayton Drewary which is Common Land and also adjacent to Green Infrastructure land which is contrary to policy 8 of the Drayton Neighbourhood Plan. Since the opening of the NDR this has become a valuable walking route (GI) and Drayton Parish Council would wish to avoid developing this area.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 15148
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
We would support this site for recreational purposes as requested by Hellesdon Parish Council but would object if this site was proposed under GNLP 0332 as housing.
We would support this site for recreational purposes as requested by Hellesdon Parish Council but would object if this site was proposed under GNLP 0332 as housing.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 15149
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Drayton Parish Council
This is site is extremely remote from village of Horsford and is contrary to the neighbourhood plan which supports new dwellings close to the village centre. This is outside of any settlement limit and is unstainable and would rely on use of private transport.
This is site is extremely remote from village of Horsford and is contrary to the neighbourhood plan which supports new dwellings close to the village centre. This is outside of any settlement limit and is unstainable and would rely on use of private transport.