Site Proposals document
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Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 14021
Received: 15/03/2018
Respondent: Scole Parish Council
Number of homes proposed too high for a rural environment. Reinstate the original proposal of 18 properties.
This plot was originally offered as a site for 18 homes. Scole Parish Council has no objection to that density of development and indeed, SNDC Planning originally felt that was a reasonable density on such a compact plot, where the only access is through the pleasantly designed affordable housing on Norwich Road. The density now proposed is totally unacceptable in a rural environment and the outline plans that we have seen are ludicously unimaginative. Outside of urban areas, where most households have up to 3 vehicles at times, more recognition needs to be given to how pleasant the development is and whether people would want to live there. There is no need for this density considering how close the GNLP is to its housing supply target. Scole Parish Council would have no objections if a) the original recommendation of 18 homes was reinstated and b) this resulted in an imaginative plan.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 15341
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Scole Parish Council
This site is prejudicial and premature in light of the nascent Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan, is proposed to be too densely developed, has poor access and is outside the Settlement boundary
A decision on this site is considered premature and prejudicial to the Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan (in which Scole Parish is included), which will seek to allocate sites across the Plan Area according to local need as well as viability and connectivity to transport links and services. Any comments on a site are made without prejudice to the above and are to formally note any planning or other reasons that should be taken into future consideration. In addition to this, Scole Parish Council also feels that:
1) The proposed housing density is not commensurate with a village environment, especially considering how close to the required land supply the region is.
2) Access to the site is abysmal, being on a blind corner on the exceedingly busy Bungay Road, a well used rat-run to avoid the A140/A143 roundabout.
3) Our opinion is that this site sits outside the settlement Boundary.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 15431
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Scole Parish Council
Premature and prejudicial to the nascent Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan. Proposed housing density too high, Access poor, Flooding Risk and outside Settlement Boundary
A decision on this site is considered premature and prejudicial to the Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan (in which Scole Parish is included), which will seek to allocate sites across the Plan Area according to local need as well as viability and connectivity to transport links and services. Comments on this site are made without prejudice to the above and are to formally note any planning or other reasons that should be taken into future consideration. Scole Parish Council also comments that:
1) The proposed housing density is not commensurate with a village environment, especially considering how close to the required land supply the region is.
2) Access to the site is very poor. Indeed highways objected to proposals that two properties (part of the proposed development on site 2016/0165) would have their entrance facing onto Low Road.
3) Low Road frequently floods.
4) Our opinion is that this site sits outside the settlement Boundary.
Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 15440
Received: 21/03/2018
Respondent: Scole Parish Council
Premature and prejudicial to the nascent Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan. Proposed housing density too high, access poor and site rejected on a previous occasion.
A decision on this site is considered premature and prejudicial to the Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan (in which Scole Parish is included), which will seek to allocate sites across the Plan Area according to local need as well as viability and connectivity to transport links and services. Comments on this site are made without prejudice to the above and are to formally note any planning or other reasons that should be taken into future consideration.
Scole Parish Council feels that:
1) The proposed housing density is not commensurate with a village environment, especially considering how close to the required land supply the region is.
2) Access to the site is problematic, being onto the exceedingly busy Bungay Road, a well used rat-run to avoid the A140/A143 roundabout.
3) This site has been rejected on a previous occasion.