Site Proposals document
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Site Proposals document
Representation ID: 16787
Received: 22/03/2018
Respondent: Jarrold and Sons and Hill Residential Ltd
Agent: Savills
Submission in respect of site GNLP0409 and land adjoining to the south of Barrack Street (adopted Norwich Site Allocations Plan ref CC17a) proposing:
a) for land south of Barrack Street and east of Gilders Way: allocation for mixed use providing c 8100 sq.m of employment, 200 residential units, 127 car parking spaces and ancillary retail as per most recent planning permission
b) for land south of Barrack Street and west of Gilders Way, development for 200 new homes and ancillary retail use.
Introduction/ Background
Jarrold & Sons owns land south of Barrack Street and north of the River Wensum stretching from Whitefriars on its western boundary to and including the health and fitness club (currently occupied by Nuffield Health) at its eastern boundary.
For over a decade Jarrold & Sons has worked closely with Norwich City Council and other stakeholders in respect of land within its ownership to carefully manage the transition from the former use of the site for printing and publishing to the creation of a mixed-use area providing high quality offices, residential, accommodation and leisure facilities, to contribute to the economic growth of Norwich and the vibrancy of this area of the city.
The remaining undeveloped land within Jarrold & Sons ownership is considered to be a key opportunity to redevelop a brownfield site within Norwich.
Jarrold & Sons has worked tirelessly over many years to attract inward investment into this part of city. Completion of buildings between St James Mill and Whitefriars (1 St James Court and Carmelite House) fulfilled Jarrold's first office led investment objective. The next phase of Jarrold's redevelopment strategy required a package of elements to create a unique selling point in order to attract office occupiers to this area of the city. The concept of offices on the river frontage, views to Norwich Cathedral, links via a new bridge (the purpose built and forward funded Jarrold Bridge) and car parking all contribute to the unique selling point.
Jarrold's vision for offices on the river frontage and fronting Whitefriars with residential between these offices and Barrack Street has almost been achieved. In recent years the following office developments have been delivered: 1-3 St James' Court; Kingfisher House and Dragonfly, House Gilders Way. The next element of office development to be completed is at land known as Zone F.
Planning permission for 200 new homes, open space and car parking adjacent to the frontage of Barrack Street (LPA reference 15/01927/O) is the start of the residential element with more homes being planned to complement and complete the redevelopment of the area.
Current Site Allocation
The site is covered by two existing allocations within the Norwich City 'Site Allocations and Site Specific Policies Plan' (December 2014) under Policy CC17a: Barrack Street and Policy CC17b: Whitefriars both for mixed used development albeit of different compositions and use class emphasis. The areas covered by the existing allocations are identified on the extract plan below. [see form as attached]
These allocations do not reflect the extant planning permissions or the evidence on delivery within the Plan period.
Paragraph 183 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that, "A local planning authority should submit a plan for examination which it considers is "sound" - namely that it is:
Positively prepared - the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development;
Justified - the plan should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
Effective - the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
Consistent with national policy - the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the Framework."
These allocations do not reflect the extant planning permissions or the evidence on delivery within the Plan period.
Paragraph 183 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that, "A local planning authority should submit a plan for examination which it considers is "sound" - namely that it is:
Positively prepared - the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development;
Justified - the plan should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
Effective - the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
Consistent with national policy - the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the Framework."
Jarrold & Sons contend that Policy CC17a and Policy CC17b, if simply 'rolled forward' into the Greater Norwich Local Plan would render the Local Plan unsound for failure to satisfy at least three of the above four tests and potentially the fourth.
To resolve these issues of soundness, Jarrold & Sons contend that the allocations should be amended to redefine the boundaries for each allocation and amend the wording to ensure that each meet the tests of soundness.
This representation concerns the following area as identified on the enclosed site location plan referenced: 8436-FM-DR-2001 comprising of:
The area known as 'Zone F' (subject of planning permission 06/00724/F and reserved matters 08/00538/RM)
The areas and known as 'Zones A and E' (subject of planning permission 15/01927/O).
Proposed Site Allocation Amendments
It is requested that the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan continues to recognise this site as a key redevelopment opportunity.
It is requested that this site should continue to benefit from a site allocation which accurately reflects the development proposals in this location.
Specific reference should be made to the following development at 'Land south of Barrack Street and east of Gilders Way' as defined on Policy Area Plan (Zones A, E and F) (drawing reference: 8436-FM-DR-2001).
Land south of Barrack Street and east of Gilders Way' is allocated for:
c. 8,100 sqm of B1 employment floorspace with 53 associated car parking spaces;
200 new homes with 150 car parking spaces;
127 car parking spaces for sole use of tenants of the following office accommodation: St James' Mill; 1 St James' Court (Mills & Reeve); 2 St James Court (Carmelite House); 3 St James' Court; Zone F, Dragonfly House and Kingfisher House; and
Ancillary retail use (approximately 200 sqm).
In addition to the above, Hill Residential Ltd is promoting land to the south of Barrack Street and west of Gilders Way for residential development of 200 new homes with ancillary retail use (A1-A5 use, approximately 350sqm). Please refer to separate representations in respect of this matter.