New, Revised and Small Sites
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New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17345
Received: 23/11/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
We believe this land represents a deliverable site for the development of new homes in the village. The land has very few development constraints and its location at the edge of the village will reduce the impact of new homes on existing properties. The site area is under one hectare and therefore would help the Council to meet the NPPF requirement that 10% of all new housing is provided on sites of less than one hectare.
We believe this land represents a deliverable site for the development of new homes in the village. The land has very few development constraints and its location at the edge of the village will reduce the impact of new homes on existing properties. The site area is under one hectare and therefore would help the Council to meet the NPPF requirement that 10% of all new housing is provided on sites of less than one hectare.
New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17346
Received: 23/11/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
In order to overcome the potential highway and flood risk issues, we would work closely with the Highways Authority and the Lead Local Flood Authority in resolving these matters where possible. This could involve the carrying out of more extensive highways works and making sure that the proposed layout of the development not only addresses the flood risk concerns but also reduces the impact of these proposals on the nearby Grade II listed farm buildings.
In order to overcome the potential highway and flood risk issues, we would work closely with the Highways Authority and the Lead Local Flood Authority in resolving these matters where possible. This could involve the carrying out of more extensive highways works and making sure that the proposed layout of the development not only addresses the flood risk concerns but also reduces the impact of these proposals on the nearby Grade II listed farm buildings.
New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17347
Received: 23/11/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
Our highway engineers have confirmed that the existing 8 metre wide field access to this land would be more than sufficient to provide an adoptable highway and pavement(s) to this new development. In addition, they believe that an appropriate visibility splay could be provided on to the Street. All of this land, including the existing field access, is within the same ownership. With regards to the surface water flood risk, this can be addressed by the proposed layout and drainage strategy for these proposals. The agricultural land to the north of this site is owned by the same landowner.
Our highway engineers have confirmed that the existing 8 metre wide field access to this land would be more than sufficient to provide an adoptable highway and pavement(s) to this new development. In addition, they believe that an appropriate visibility splay could be provided on to the Street. All of this land, including the existing field access, is within the same ownership. With regards to the surface water flood risk, this can be addressed by the proposed layout and drainage strategy for these proposals. The agricultural land to the north of this site is owned by the same landowner.
New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17348
Received: 23/11/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
Our highway engineers have confirmed that the 12 metre wide accessway to this land would be more than sufficient to provide an adoptable highway and pavement(s) to this new development. In addition, they believe that an appropriate visibility splay could be provided on to the Street. All of this land, including the part of the garden of the existing property required for the access to this land, is within the same ownership. With regards to the surface water flood risk, this can be addressed by the proposed layout and drainage strategy for these proposals.
Our highway engineers have confirmed that the 12 metre wide accessway to this land would be more than sufficient to provide an adoptable highway and pavement(s) to this new development. In addition, they believe that an appropriate visibility splay could be provided on to the Street. All of this land, including the part of the garden of the existing property required for the access to this land, is within the same ownership. With regards to the surface water flood risk, this can be addressed by the proposed layout and drainage strategy for these proposals.
New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17349
Received: 23/11/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
Our highway engineers have confirmed that the 10 metre wide proposed accessway to this land would be more than sufficient to provide an adoptable highway and pavement(s) to this new development. In addition, they believe that an appropriate visibility splay could be provided on to the Street. The access arrangements will be agreed with the GP Surgery in due course in exchange for the provision of more car parking for the medical practice. The proposed alignment of the new access can help to mitigate any issues in relation to the two existing garages.
Our highway engineers have confirmed that the 10 metre wide proposed accessway to this land would be more than sufficient to provide an adoptable highway and pavement(s) to this new development. In addition, they believe that an appropriate visibility splay could be provided on to the Street. The access arrangements will be agreed with the GP Surgery in due course in exchange for the provision of more car parking for the medical practice. The proposed alignment of the new access can help to mitigate any issues in relation to the two existing garages.
New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17473
Received: 28/11/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
Our heritage advisors have advised that the development of this land would have a medium/minor impact on the neighbouring Conservation Area and negligible or no impact at all on the listed buildings in this part of the village. Our drainage advisors have advised that an appropriate surface water drainage strategy could be implemented for the development of this land which would include on site attenuation before using the existing network of ditches to the Well Beck. We believe that this site represents the most appropriate location for the next phase of the village's growth.
Our heritage advisors have advised that the development of this land would have a medium/minor impact on the neighbouring Conservation Area and negligible or no impact at all on the listed buildings in this part of the village. Our drainage advisors have advised that an appropriate surface water drainage strategy could be implemented for the development of this land which would include on site attenuation before using the existing network of ditches to the Well Beck. We believe that this site represents the most appropriate location for the next phase of the village's growth.
New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 17883
Received: 06/12/2018
Respondent: FW Properties
The revised arrangement for the two parts of this site would enable this land to be accessed by a new adopted highway using the existing field access from Church Road, which is owned by the same landowner. The new road can also be used for the utilities to the site. The revised arrangement also reduces the impact of the overhead powerlines to the west of this land. The development of this land would have minimal impact on existing properties and the listed buildings in the area. The boundaries of the land would be landscaped to provide a rural buffer.
The revised arrangement for the two parts of this site would enable this land to be accessed by a new adopted highway using the existing field access from Church Road, which is owned by the same landowner. The new road can also be used for the utilities to the site. The revised arrangement also reduces the impact of the overhead powerlines to the west of this land. The development of this land would have minimal impact on existing properties and the listed buildings in the area. The boundaries of the land would be landscaped to provide a rural buffer.