New, Revised and Small Sites

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New, Revised and Small Sites


Representation ID: 18986

Received: 13/12/2018

Respondent: Thurton Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The views of the Thurton Parish Council remain that any development, other than infill should be confined to the Ashby side of the A146. This is a long standing principle based on the junction alignments, a desire to minimise the amount of queuing caused by turning traffic and the number of pedestrians having to cross the A146. It is anticipated that Norfolk County Council Highways department would be unlikely to agree any additional access onto the A146. Additional issues were that part of the field is on the flood plain and location of the gas pipeline. Council oppose this proposal

Full text:

The views of the Thurton Parish Council remain that any development, other than infill should be confined to the Ashby side of the A146. This is a long standing principle based on the junction alignments, a desire to minimise the amount of queuing caused by turning traffic and the number of pedestrians having to cross the A146. It is anticipated that Norfolk County Council Highways department would be unlikely to agree any additional access onto the A146. Additional issues were that part of the field is on the flood plain and location of the gas pipeline. Council oppose this proposal

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