New, Revised and Small Sites

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New, Revised and Small Sites


Representation ID: 18822

Received: 13/12/2018

Respondent: The Loombe Estate

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

The site is identified as being unsuitable for the purposes of the HELAA capacity assessment. Given that the site forms part of a wider site previously submitted (Site Reference: GNLP0182R) and which was considered to be suitable, we seek clarification that the unsuitable rating is to avoid 'double counting' for the purposes of the HELAA assessment, and that there are no specific constraints or impacts identified which would prevent the sites otherwise being considered suitable for development.

Full text:

The site is identified as being unsuitable for the purposes of the HELAA capacity assessment. Given that the site forms part of a wider site previously submitted (Site Reference: GNLP0182R) and which was considered to be suitable, we seek clarification that the unsuitable rating is to avoid 'double counting' for the purposes of the HELAA assessment, and that there are no specific constraints or impacts identified which would prevent the sites otherwise being considered suitable for development.

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