Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22262

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Carter Jonas LLP

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

GNLP0581 - Land off Bawburgh Lane and New Road
This site is identified for a strategic extension for +1,000 dwellings. It is identified as a reasonable alternative housing allocation and as a contingency site to offset non-delivery. The lead-in times for these types of developments are typically more than 5 years, largely because they are complex and require significant levels of primary infrastructure to be provided e.g. roads and drainage in advance of housing. Therefore, it is very unlikely that this strategic extension would be delivered quickly enough to address non-delivery of housing at existing commitments and allocations. As such, this site does not meet the requirements for a contingency site, and should not be identified as a reasonable alternative in emerging GNLP. It is not clear at this stage whether this strategic extension would provide policy compliant levels of affordable housing. It is requested that the site promoter confirms whether the proposed development could provide policy compliant levels of affordable housing, taking into account the costs of providing primary infrastructure in advance of development. The site assessment in the HELAA identified a number of constraints to development at the site associated with the following: overhead power lines; adjacent contaminated site; landscape; surface water flooding; townscape; access arrangements; and, proximity to Norwich Southern Bypass. These issues should have been assessed before the site was identified as a reasonable alternative. It is very likely that these constraints will confirm that most, if not all, of the site is not suitable for the proposed development.
It is requested that this site is deleted as a reasonable alternative housing allocation.

Full text:

On behalf of my client, Taylor Wimpey Strategic Land, please find attached representations relating to Land South of Townhouse Road, Costessey, and Green Lane West, Rackheath.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22264

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Carter Jonas LLP

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

GNLP2043 – Land north of New Road and east of A47
This site is adjacent to land off Bawburgh Lane and New Road in Costessey (Ref. GNLP0581) and is identified as additional land for the strategic extension in this location; to provide an additional +200 dwellings. The delivery of this site is reliant on the larger site for access arrangements and could not come forward separately. The constraints to development are similar to those that exist for the larger Page 8 of 10 site. The site is also not available as a contingency to meet non-delivery of housing at commitments and allocations.

It is very likely that the constraints at the site will confirm that most, if not all, of it is not suitable for the proposed development. Therefore, it is requested that this site is deleted as a reasonable alternative housing allocation.

Full text:

On behalf of my client, Taylor Wimpey Strategic Land, please find attached representations relating to Land South of Townhouse Road, Costessey, and Green Lane West, Rackheath.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22265

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Carter Jonas LLP

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

GNLP0284R - Townhouse Road
This site is promoted by Taylor Wimpey East Anglia. The site has been identified as an unreasonable alternative in the site assessments for emerging GNLP.
The promoted development is smaller than the proposed strategic extension sites (GNLP0581 and GNLP2043) and as such it could meet the requirements for a contingency site to meet non-delivery at the commitments and allocations elsewhere. The site is controlled by a housebuilder and is available for development. It is considered that a number of smaller sites, which could be delivered at the same time by different housebuilders/developers, would be a more appropriate approach to address non-delivery of housing and a housing land supply shortfall in the future.
A number of technical reports and studies have been prepared for the site which demonstrate that there are no constraints to development and significant impacts can be mitigated, and concept plans have been prepared to identify different development options for the site i.e. 100, 130 and 200 dwelling options. It should be noted that all three scheme options would avoid extending the line of the settlement further south into the River Tud Valley, and include significant green buffers and corridors to mitigate the impact of new development and to integrate it into the landscape setting.
A draft Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment has been prepared for the promoted development, and is submitted with these representations. The site is well-related to the existing built-form in Costessey and represents a natural and logical continuation of the settlement. The majority of the existing vegetation at the site boundary will be retained within the proposed development. The promoted development will enhance the boundaries to the site, with new tree planting on the western boundary and a new woodland belt on the southern boundary, alongside green corridors, planting and areas of open space within the development. The significant green buffers and corridors are provided to mitigate the impact of new development at the site and integrate it into the landscape setting.
A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Reptile Survey have both been carried out on the site. Any redevelopment of the site would need to consider the impact upon bats, and Activity Surveys would need to be carried out, in order to inform a mitigation/compensation strategy. Furthermore, precautionary measures are proposed for breeding birds. There were no signs of reptiles on the site. Accordingly, with the above measures, it is considered that any development could proceed with minimal impact on the local conservation status of any protected, principally important or rare species within the area.
The Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady and Saint Walstan, located to the west of the site, is a Grade II Listed Building. A draft Built Heritage Assessment has been prepared for the promoted development and is submitted with these representations. The Church is surrounded by extensive tree cover which limits the setting of the heritage asset, and means that the surrounding area and the site do not contribute towards the significance of the heritage asset. In any event, a generous buffer between the heritage asset and new built development in the form of an area of open space could be provided. The site frontage includes open space and new planting.
A draft Transport Assessment has been prepared for the promoted development and is submitted with these representations. The site is located on an existing public transport corridor, with regular bus services between Costessey and Norwich City Centre. There are existing bus stops on Townhouse Road within walking distance of the site. The promoted development would provide a new footway on the southern side of Townhouse Road to connect with the existing footway network in Costessey. A traffic calming scheme on Townhouse Road would be provided as part of the promoted development, in order to reduce speeds in the vicinity of the site access and to improve the pedestrian environment where the existing footway is narrow. The promoted development would be served by a single point of access off Townhouse Road, which would meet current highway design guidance in terms of layout and visibility. It has been demonstrated in the Assessment that the promoted development would have a negligible impact on the local highway network, and the proposed junction and access arrangements would have ample capacity.
The site is not affected by flood risk, and a drainage strategy would be prepared for the promoted development to manage surface water drainage.
Therefore, it is considered that land off Townhouse Road in Costessey (Ref. GNLP0284R) should be allocated in emerging GNLP or identified as a reasonable alternative site to meet future needs. The concept plans prepared for the promoted development could be used as a basis for an allocation.

Full text:

On behalf of my client, Taylor Wimpey Strategic Land, please find attached representations relating to Land South of Townhouse Road, Costessey, and Green Lane West, Rackheath.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22267

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Carter Jonas LLP

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Taylor Wimpey East Anglia control land to the west of Green Lane West in Rackheath. The site is identified as a preferred allocation in GNLP for up to 200 dwellings. This allocation is supported and should be retained.
An outline planning application for 205 dwellings has been submitted for the promoted development (Ref. 2017/2208). This site is has a resolution to grant planning permission and the S106 Agreement has been signed. The decision on the application demonstrates that the site is suitable for the promoted development, that proposed mitigation measures can address any significant constraints associated with the development, and conditions can be used to make the development acceptable. The site is controlled by a housebuilder and is deliverable.
The Taylor Wimpey East Anglia representations to the Regulation 18 Growth Strategy consultation in March 2018 requested amendments to the assessment of the site in the HELAA, and in particular to those topics that scored ‘amber’. The topics that scored ‘amber’ and should be amended to ‘green’ relate to access, access to services, utilities capacity, contamination, flood risk, significant landscapes, and compatibility with neighbouring uses.
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The proposed development is deliverable and would contribute to the five year housing land supply. The timetable for the delivery of development is as follows:
• Reserved Matters to be submitted in July 2020
• Reserved Matters to be approved in December 2020
• Start on site is expected in January 2022
• First homes to be completed in July 2022
• Annual housing delivery rate of 60 dwellings per annum
In conclusion, it is requested that land to the west of Green Lane West (Ref. GNLP0172) is retained as an allocation in draft GNLP.

Full text:

On behalf of my client, Taylor Wimpey Strategic Land, please find attached representations relating to Land South of Townhouse Road, Costessey, and Green Lane West, Rackheath.

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