Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22468

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Arnolds Keys

Representation Summary:

We seek the identification of site GNLP0042 (Land at rear of Hill Farmhouse, Wroxham Road) as a ‘Preferred Housing Allocation’ within the context of the emerging GNLP and for the reasons outlined within the GNLP Site Submission Statement which accompanies this submission.

This site is available, achievable and deliverable (and viable). The site can (potentially) accommodate both market and affordable dwellings.

Full text:

We are retained by the freehold owners of the above land, and consider it suitable for development, accordingly we should like it to be considered for inclusion in the Greater Norwich Local Plan.
We attach:
1) GNLP proforma duly completed
2) Submission Strategy Document
3) Site plan

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