Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20899
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd
Representing Norfolk Constabulary:
Norfolk Constabulary have the responsibility for policing and making Norfolk a safe place where people want to live, work, travel and invest in. In view of the scale of housing proposed in Taverham, to facilitate this for the existing community and proposed growth, policy GNLP0337 should be revised to require land to be safeguarded for provision of a police station.
Representing Norfolk Constabulary:
Norfolk Constabulary have the responsibility for policing and making Norfolk a safe place where people want to live, work, travel and invest in.
Policy GNLP0337 will provide a very large urban extension at the edge of north west Norwich. The allocation extends to 78.36 ha for residential development (to accommodate at least 1,400 homes) associated public open space, new primary school and local medical centre. To ensure that there is the necessary police infra-structure to cater for the existing community and proposed growth, a new police facility is required and should be embedded in this allocation to replace the current facility on Drayton Road. Within allocation GNLP0337, in addition to the need to provide a new primary school and local medical centre, the policy should also include a new police station. Therefore Norfolk Constabulary consider the policy should be revised as follows
POLICY GNLP0337 Land between Fir Covert Road and Reepham Road, Taverham (78.36 ha) is allocated for residential development. The site is likely to accommodate at least 1,400 homes, 33% of which will be affordable, associated public open space, new primary school, police station and local medical centre.
More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, as well as infrastructure constraints.
The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:
• Provision of on-site recreation to encourage healthy lifestyles, in accordance with relevant policies.
• Land safeguarded for provision of primary school.
• Land safeguarded for provision of police station.
• Land safeguarded for provision of medical care facility.
• Provision of commercial space adjacent to the Broadland Northway (A1270).
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20900
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner)
Norfolk County Council (NCC) own the land and is committed to bringing the site forward for a high quality well designed development to deliver the housing growth required in Lingwood identified in the GNLP.
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council (NCC) own the land and they are committed in bringing the site forward for a high quality well designed development to deliver the housing growth required in Lingwood identified in the GNLP.
In 2019, NCC undertook initial work to identify the suitability and availability of the site for residential development and to assess whether the site can deliver a sustainable, policy compliant housing scheme.
Land Use
A County Farms tenant currently farms the site. This land is let under a Business Farm Tenancy. Following the grant of planning permission, the land would be available for the County Council to take back to enable development to come forward.
In view of its size, the site would be developed in a two to three-year period following the granting of a detailed planning permission.
Site Characteristics
The site is relatively flat and topography would not offer any constraints to development.
The site has clearly defined boundaries on three sides. The site has the rear gardens of existing housing on the east and west side (with mainly hedge boundaries) and is open to the north. The southern boundary, on the north side of Post Office Road, is marked by a small embankment with a partial hedge and a number of mature trees along the hedge line.
The current lawful use is agricultural. There is no evidence of any unstable ground and previous uses suggest no risk of contamination.
The site falls within flood zone 1 as defined by the Environment Agency.
Furthermore, their mapping identifies no risk of flooding from surface water. The site has been part of the County Farms Estate for many years and in this time, there has been no evidence of flooding.
The adjacent uses to the site are mainly residential. Land south of Post Office Road forms an area of public open space (previously owned by Norfolk County Council). There would be no conflict between the proposed housing development and adjacent residential occupiers, subject to normal design and layout considerations.
Site Access
The site is currently in an agricultural use and access to the fields exists from the north (from Church Road), so development of the preferred allocation will not prejudice access to the agricultural land to the north of the allocation.
In view of the location of the visibility requirement associated with creating a new vehicular access from Post Office Road, the access positioned in the central portion of the Post Office Road frontage would appear appropriate. As part of the scheme, Post Office Road is required to be widened to 5.5 metres with a new footway on its north side (to meet the preferred allocations policy aspiration) and this would require removal of existing hedge and trees on the north side of Post Office Road. In addition, scope may exist to create a new footpath link(s), which would pass through the site to link with Church Road to the north.
Site Services
Infrastructure and services exist on Post Office Road, including main sewers, water supply and electricity. As part of the development of the allocation, electricity, main sewers and water will be extended into the site.
Infrastructure costs are not likely to be abnormal for a greenfield site.
Site capacity
Based on site size, its edge of village location and character of surrounding development, the site would accommodate about 60 dwellings. Within the development, a policy compliant level of affordable housing would be provided.
The boundary to the north is open and therefore needs substantial new planting (with an element strategic woodland) to protect the setting of the Parish Church. An area of open space would be included within the scheme to serve the development.
Attached is an initial layout plan that shows a manner in which the site could be developed.
Viability and Delivery
Delivery of an estate scale of residential development would help support local services and facilities.
NCC’s development company, Repton Property Developments Ltd., will develop the site.
The greenfield nature of the site and the availability of services suggest at this stage no abnormal infrastructure or servicing costs to prevent the timely development of this site.
As a result, at this stage, there is no reason to suggest any obstacle to the delivery of 33% affordable housing (policy compliant on the site).
The above is based on the development of some 60 dwellings, of which 40 would be for open market sale.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20901
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council own the land and is committed to bringing this site forward for a high quality well designed development to deliver the housing growth required in South Walsham.
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council own the land and is committed to bringing this site forward for a high quality well designed development to deliver the housing growth required in South Walsham.
Since the initial call for sites in 2016, work has been ongoing to confirm the suitability of the site for residential development and to demonstrate the site can deliver a sustainable, policy compliant housing scheme.
Land Use
A County Farms tenant currently farms the site. This land is let under a Business Farm Tenancy. Following the grant of planning permission, the land would be available for the County Council to take back to enable development to come forward.
In view of the size of site, it is anticipated that the site would be developed in a two year period.
Site Characteristics
The site slopes gently from north to south but the topography would not offer any significant constraint to development.
The site is open to the west. There is limited boundary planting and fencing on the eastern boundary of the site. To the south, there is limited boundary planting close to Chamery Lane. Land to the north is allocated for housing (SWA1).
The current lawful use is agricultural. There is no evidence of any unstable ground and previous uses suggest no risk of contamination.
The site falls within flood zone 1 as defined by the Environment Agency. Furthermore, their mapping identifies no risk of flooding from surface water. The site has been part of the County Farms Estate for many years and in this time, there has been no evidence of flooding.
The adjacent uses to the site are residential. There would be no conflict between the proposed housing development and adjacent residential occupiers, subject to normal design and layout considerations.
Site Access
The site is currently in an agricultural use and access to the larger field exists from the south (Chamery Lane).
Work has been on-going to identify the most suitable means of access to the preferred allocation. The vehicular access to the site will be from the north (through the site allocated as SWA1), using a road designed to meet NCC estate road standards, with suitable visibility splays onto Burlingham Road.
This will accord with the expectation for this preferred allocation and offer good access for cyclist and pedestrians into the centre of the village. No vehicular access is proposed from Chamery Hall Lane.
As part of the outline planning permission granted on the site of allocation SWA1, footway improvement works are required (close to the junction of Burlingham Road and Panxworth Road / High Street - adjacent to the former Kings Head Public House). This improvement is likely to limit the extent of additional improvement works required to create the safe pedestrian route to School Road.
Site Services
Infrastructure and services exist on Burlingham Road, including main sewers, water supply and electricity. As part of the allocation, policy SWA1, electricity, main sewers and water will be extended into the site and the development of the SWA1 allocation will ensure that capacity is included to accommodate this preferred site allocation.
Infrastructure costs are not likely to be abnormal for a greenfield site.
Site capacity
Based on site size, its edge of village location and character of surrounding development site, affordable housing would be provided to be policy compliant. New planting would be needed on the boundary to the west. An area of open space would be included within the scheme to serve the development. Attached is an initial layout plan that shows a manner in which the site could be developed.
Viability and Delivery
Delivery of a further small-scale estate scale of residential development would help support local services and facilities.
The site will be developed following the completion of development of allocation SWA1. It is anticipate that this will commence in next 5 years.
The greenfield nature of the site and the availability of services (to be provided through allocation SWA1) raises no abnormal infrastructure or servicing costs to prevent the timely development of this site.
As a result, at this stage, there is no reason to suggest any obstacle to the delivery of 33% affordable housing (policy compliant on the site).
The extent and nature of additional footway / pedestrian improvements to link the site to the School appear modest (especially when part of this will be delivered though the development of allocation SWA1), so this policy requirement is not considered to raise any constraint to the early delivery of this new allocation.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20902
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council (NCC) own the site and they remain committed to bringing this site forward for a high quality well designed development if the current NCC Adult Service user requirement ends .
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council (NCC) own the land and remain committed to bringing this site forward for a high quality well designed development if the current NCC Adult Service user requirement ends.
Since the allocation of the site in Norwich City Site Allocations DPD, the site remains suitable for residential development and the site can deliver a sustainable, broadly policy compliant housing scheme.
Land Use
NCC Adult Services still use the site and it is unlikely that this will become available immediately on the adoption of the Plan.
In view of the size of site, once the use ceases and detailed planning permission is secured, the site would be developed in a one to two-year period.
Site Characteristics
The site forms an irregularly shaped area, which slopes gently from north to south. However, the topography would not offer any constraints to development.
The site has clearly defined boundaries on three sides: however, it is more open to the south. It currently accommodates a number of buildings of no architectural quality. The key planting feature on the site is on the eastern boundary (that fronts Ipswich Road) and with a single point of access, some scope may exist to retain parts of this feature.
The current lawful use is for a community / educational use. However, NCC will secure replacement provision prior to the Adult Service use ceasing.
The site is brownfield and close to areas where chalk workings have been recorded. Therefore, further work will be undertaken to identify any evidence of any unstable ground and / or risk of contamination.
The site falls within flood zone 1 as defined by the Environment Agency. Furthermore, their mapping identifies no risk of flooding from surface water.
The site is in a mixed-use area with housing on the east side of Ipswich Road. Therefore, there would be no conflict between the proposed housing development and adjacent residential occupiers, subject to normal design and layout considerations.
Site Access
The site access is from the east off Ipswich Road. No change to this single point of access would be required as this provides good visibility.
This site offers good opportunities to link to footways and cycle ways. Furthermore, regular bus services run along Ipswich Road offering a convenient link to the City Centre.
Site Services
Infrastructure and services exist on the site from Ipswich Road, including main sewers, water supply and electricity.
The scale of development is modest and the infrastructure costs are not likely to be abnormal.
Site capacity
Based on site size, its edge of city location and character of surrounding development and features, it is considered the site could accommodate between 15 and 25 dwellings. Within the site, affordable housing would be provided to be policy compliant (at 28%), unless abnormal cost are identified based on ground conditions.
Viability and Delivery
Following the cessation of the use of the site by NCC Adult Services, the site will be developed following the grant of planning permission. It is anticipate that development will commence in the next 5 years.
The availability of services is unlikely to result in significant costs to prevent the timely development of this site; however, the brownfield nature of the site may raise ground condition issue (and abnormal costs).
As a result, at this stage, the landowner is committed to deliver policy complaint affordable housing (at 28%) and unless unforeseen ground condition remediation costs are identified, it is anticipated that all the requirements of policy R2 will be met.
The detailed design will take advantage of the gateway position to deliver a distinctive design, well related to the woodland, using construction techniques to mitigate any challenges presented by ground conditions, with good pedestrian access through the site and linking to facilities locally.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 21663
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd
Representing Hugh Crane Ltd:
Hugh Crane Ltd own the land allocated in policy GNLP2139 (allocation GNLP0378 to the south is owned Norfolk County Council). Both landowners have a shared vision for the area, working collaborative and co-operatively, to enable a comprehensive development to come forward. These allocations, with a modest revisions to the western boundaries, will deliver a sustainable level of growth for Acle. Therefore, a detailed submission has been prepared on behalf of two landowners, to support the allocation of land west of Acle and explain that development will deliver sustainable growth, consistent with the social, economic and environmental aspirations of the GNLP.
Representing Hugh Crane Ltd:
Hugh Crane Ltd own the land allocated in policy GNLP2139 (allocation GNLP0378 to the south is owned Norfolk County Council). Both landowners have a shared vision for the area, working collaborative and co-operatively, to enable a comprehensive development to come forward. These allocations, with a modest revisions to the western boundaries, will deliver a sustainable level of growth for Acle. Therefore, a detailed submission has been prepared on behalf of two landowners, to support the allocation of land west of Acle and explain that development will deliver sustainable growth, consistent with the social, economic and environmental aspirations of the GNLP.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 21664
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council own the land allocated in policy GNLP0378 (allocation GNLP2139 to the north is owned Hugh Crane Ltd). Both landowners have a shared vision for the area, working collaborative and co-operatively, to enable a comprehensive development to come forward. These allocations, with a modest revisions to the western boundaries, will deliver a sustainable level of growth for Acle. Therefore, a detailed submission has been prepared on behalf of two landowners, to support the allocation of land west of Acle and explain that development will deliver sustainable growth, consistent with the social, economic and environmental aspirations of the GNLP.
Representing Norfolk County Council (as landowner):
Norfolk County Council own the land allocated in policy GNLP0378 (allocation GNLP2139 to the north is owned Hugh Crane Ltd). Both landowners have a shared vision for the area, working collaborative and co-operatively, to enable a comprehensive development to come forward. These allocations, with a modest revisions to the western boundaries, will deliver a sustainable level of growth for Acle. Therefore, a detailed submission has been prepared on behalf of two landowners, to support the allocation of land west of Acle and explain that development will deliver sustainable growth, consistent with the social, economic and environmental aspirations of the GNLP.