Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20733
Received: 12/03/2020
Respondent: CPRE Norfolk
CPRE Norfolk objects to the allocation of this site. It would lead to an unacceptable encroachment into the countryside beyond the current settlement limit. Access to the site would be congested by going through the allocated site to the west, and would lead to an unacceptable increase in traffic on Rectory Road, along with associated safety concerns. If, against these concerns the site is allocated, it should be kept back on a reserve list of sites for Broadland, to ensure that the more suitable allocated sites in the JCS are developed before any of the less-suitable new GNLP sites.
CPRE Norfolk objects to the allocation of this site. It would lead to an unacceptable encroachment into the countryside beyond the current settlement limit. Access to the site would be congested by going through the allocated site to the west, and would lead to an unacceptable increase in traffic on Rectory Road, along with associated safety concerns. If, against these concerns the site is allocated, it should be kept back on a reserve list of sites for Broadland, to ensure that the more suitable allocated sites in the JCS are developed before any of the less-suitable new GNLP sites.