Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21235

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The promoters of the site SUPPORT this assessment on the basis of delivery of 10 residential units and that the Council supports the principle of the development. It is noted that the site is unlikely to be able to accommodate the minimum level of development. The Site promoter COMMENTS that there is potential for the site, with sympathetic design, to accommodate greater than 10 units. In the event that additional units can be accommodated, the Site promoter would not wish the development of the site to be prejudiced without an allocation status.

Full text:

This site is considered to be unreasonable for allocation given its context and setting within the settlement boundary. The promoters of the site SUPPORT this assessment on the basis of delivery of 10 residential units and that the Council supports the principle of the development.

It is noted that the site is unlikely to be able to accommodate the minimum level of development. The Site promoter COMMENTS that there is potential for the site, with sympathetic design, to accommodate greater than 10 units. In the event that additional units can be accommodated, the Site promoter would not wish the development of the site to be prejudiced without an allocation status.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21236

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The landowner of this site OBJECTS to the site being considered unreasonable. The rationale for its exclusion is that development in this location would not be well related to the form and character of the settlement and is disconnected from the village. The site lies immediately adjacent to the village and could be designed to provide safe access and footpath links.

Full text:

The landowner of this site OBJECTS to the site being considered unreasonable. The rationale for its exclusion is that development in this location would not be well related to the form and character of the settlement and is disconnected from the village. The site lies immediately adjacent to the village and could be designed to provide safe access and footpath links.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21237

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The landowner of this site OBJECTS to it being considered unreasonable. This is a small site proposed for up to 8 dwellings. The site is considered sufficiently far from Rackheath Hall to not cause significant impact. Access can readily be achieved from Salhouse Road.

Full text:

The landowner of this site OBJECTS to it being considered unreasonable. This is a small site proposed for up to 8 dwellings. The site is considered sufficiently far from Rackheath Hall to not cause significant impact. Access can readily be achieved from Salhouse Road.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21239

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The landowners and promoters SUPPORT the retention of the HNF2 allocation for employment uses and the change of wording which states that the allocation will be to provide a full range of employment uses including for those benefitting from a location close to the airport uses as opposed to current wording that links employment uses to airport related.

The landowners and promoters COMMENT on a tension that is caused between the safe operation of the adjacent Norwich Airport and the requirements for substantial landscaping buffers and planting and wording should be amended to reflect the primacy of the CAA guidance.

Full text:

The landowners and promoters SUPPORT the retention of the HNF2 allocation for employment uses. The landowners and promoters also SUPPORT the change of wording in the opening sentence which states that the allocation will be to provide a full range of employment uses including for those benefitting from a location close to the airport, as opposed to the extant policy wording that links the full range of employment uses to airport related.

The Imperial Park (GNLP 1061) situated within the Airport has extant planning permission for aviation uses and is much more suited to that restriction.

The landowners and promoters COMMENT on a tension that is caused between the safe operation of the adjacent Norwich Airport and the requirements for substantial landscaping buffers and planting. Civil Aviation Authority Guidance sets out clear requirements for how planting is to be managed to assist in minimising aviation hazards posed by wildlife. The landowners and promoters would strongly suggest amendments to the policy wording to reflect the primacy of the CAA guidance.

Notes accompanying the policy refer to the site being promoted with a larger boundary. This was done to reflect extant policy Guidelines for Development that accepts a slightly larger area for development incorporating land that was safeguarded for Broadland Northway. To avoid future confusion, the landowners and promoters would strongly suggest that the allocation boundary is extended to reflect the full extent of anticipated development.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21241

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The promoters of HNF2 strongly SUPPORTS the Council’s stance that this is an unreasonable site for general employment uses. The site has extant planning permission for aviation uses. The site is a strategic site within the airport area and should be retained for such airport related uses.

Changes in the aviation sector assume greater use of regional airports and the demand for airport related uses is likely to increase concurrently. A change to general employment is not supported as that would place additional pressure on other sites allocated for general employment.

Full text:

The promoters of HNF2 strongly SUPPORTS the Council’s stance that this is an unreasonable site for general employment uses. The site has recent and extant planning permission for aviation uses and there is no reasoned justification for a departure from that. The site is a strategic site within the airport area and should be retained for such airport related uses.

Changes in the aviation sector assume greater use of regional airports and the demand for airport related uses is likely to increase concurrently. A change to general employment is not supported as that would place additional pressure on other sites allocated for general employment.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21243

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The landowner of the site OBJECTS to it being considered unreasonable. The reasoned justification relates to its location in flood zones and its ecological interest. The site sits adjacent to the settlement boundary and presents an opportunity for a sustainable extension. There is sufficient land outside the flood zone that could be developed without impacting on flood risk. The remaining land could be preserved and enhanced for biodiversity.

Full text:

The landowner of the site OBJECTS to it being considered unreasonable. The reasoned justification relates to its location in flood zones and its ecological interest. The site sits adjacent to the settlement boundary and presents an opportunity for a sustainable extension. There is sufficient land outside the flood zone that could be developed without impacting on flood risk. The remaining land could be preserved and enhanced for biodiversity.


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21403

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: GP Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

The landowner of this site OBJECTS to it being considered unreasonable given its potential for a long-term extension to the GT16 allocation. The site and land area offer the opportunity for the provision of approximately 1,000 residential units and certainty of delivery through the masterplan for GT16. There is no clear justification for its exclusion.

Furthermore, the spine road into North Rackheath, as shown on the endorsed Masterplan, provides a roundabout that fronts the GNLP 0226 site, allow safe access and a reasonable extension.

Full text:

The landowner of this site OBJECTS to it being considered unreasonable given its potential for a long-term extension to the GT16 allocation. The site and land area offer the opportunity for the provision of approximately 1,000 residential units and certainty of delivery through the masterplan for GT16. There is no clear justification for its exclusion.

Furthermore, the spine road into North Rackheath, as shown on the endorsed Masterplan, provides a roundabout that fronts the GNLP 0226 site, allow safe access and a reasonable extension.

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