Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Newton Flotman Cluster (Swainsthorpe) - GNLP0604R
Representation ID: 22742
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Ben Burgess Ltd
Agent: CODE Development Planners Ltd
These representations have been prepared by CODE Development Planners on behalf of Ben Burgess in response to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation, March 2020. (GNLP). The representations have been compiled following a review of the draft Strategy and Site Allocations documents and supporting evidence base, with consideration as to whether the GNLP as currently drafted meets the four tests of soundness. We are concerned that there is insufficient recognition of the need for large single occupier employment sites and these representations, therefore, set out our concerns on this aspect of the plan. Further concern arises from the statement that, “The site is also subject to a planning application by Ben Burgess agricultural machinery (reference 2018/2631) and would be better dealt with through the development management process.” (Village Clusters Non-Residential Assessment Booklet, 2020, Pg.34)
The main focus of the representations is to demonstrate that insufficient evidence has been produced and assessed relating to the specific needs of agricultural machinery sector and the sectors which require sites suitable for single users. These representations also demonstrate that through the application process considerable evidence has been produced by and on behalf of Ben Burgess to demonstrate that land west of Ipswich Road, Swainsthorpe is the only site that meets the requirements for the development of the new headquarters facility. These representations also contend that in delegating the site as an issue for development management, the GNLP is considered unsound.
Please find attached the following:
• Response form submitted on behalf of Ben Burgess in respect of land west of Ipswich Road, Swainsthopre incorporating drawing 1472-1 revision C.