Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Respondent: Diss Town Council
Representation Summary:
This site is outside the settlement boundary. It is located in a bend in the road with no safe walking access. We agree with both AECOM and the GNLP that the significant highway constraints make this site unsuitable for development.
Full text:
As you requested at our consultation meeting on 11 March 2020, I have commented on the other sites we did not discuss in detail on the day.
Policy GNLP0250/0342/0119/0291 land north of the cemetery, west of Shelfanger Road and east of Heywood Road. 8.91 ha which will accommodate at least 200 homes.
We agree with the GNLP conclusion that this is a preferred allocation. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group had already reached the same conclusion that the site was well related to the existing built up area of Diss and would enable the provision of a link road between Heywood Road and Shelfanger Road. This will help alleviate east/west traffic pressure in the north of the town especially on roads such as Sunnyside. It would also afford us the opportunity to extend the cemetery which we requested in our earlier consultation.
Policy DIS1 (GNLP0185) Land north of Vince’s Road 1.18 ha and to the south of Prince William Way. This would accommodate approximately 35 homes.
This allocation to be carried forward to the new plan from the local plan in 2015.
This is subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved including delivering an access to site from Frenze Hall Lane.
Policy DIS2
This allocation is carried forward from the local plan from 2015.
A small number of homes (approx.10) will be built to enable the rest of the site to deliver open space, natural green space and a riverside walk. It will also allow the Neighbourhood plan group to deliver better walking and cycling connectivity between Diss and Palgrave.
Note 1** Combined Policies DIS2, DIS7 and part of DIS6 are currently being assessed by both Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council as a possible site for a business hub including a new Leisure Centre plus other mixed use. They are due to report back on the feasibility of this option later this month.
Note 2** We have been given a commitment for a new Leisure Centre in Diss by South Norfolk Council and this is one of three sites being considered as a location.
Note 3** The site of the existing leisure centre 0.32 ha will become available and could be used for housing or possibly apartments
Note 4** Policy DIS7 if not used for a leisure centre should be considered for mixed use including housing.
Policy DIS3 Land off Denmark Lane, Roydon, Diss. 1.6ha allocated for residential development for approximately 42 homes.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried over into the new plan.
A figure of less than 42 may be more appropriate as there is a requirement for a 10m landscape belt on the western boundary which may limit capacity.
Policy DIS8 Land at Station Road/Nelson Road. 2.89 ha is allocated as employment land.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015.
The part of the site which was an old coal yard has already been developed as a car park for railway users.
Diss Town Council had pre-planning discussions at the end of last year with a developer wishing to build ‘Extra Care Retirement Homes’ on the remainder of the site. We were supportive of the scheme that was put forward at this meeting.
Since our meeting on 11 March 2020 we have received a planning application 2020/0478 from the developer for an Extra Care building containing 77 apartments (68 x 2-bed and 9 x 1- bed).
This will meet the employment use criteria and as the apartments allow full independent living accommodation should be included as part of the numbers required in the new local plan.
Policy DIS9. Land at Sandy Lane (north of Diss Business Park) 4.22 ha allocated for employment uses - Classes B2 and B8
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried forward into the new plan.
GNLP1045 Land west of Nelson Road and East of Station Road 0.94 ha.
This site is currently allocated for employment as part of DIS8 although the promoter is now suggesting the site for residential use.
As the site is adjacent to the Ensign way estate the proposal could be supported providing the density of development is no more than that on the adjacent estate I.e. 25 to 30 per ha.
GNLP0362 Land at Sturgeons Farm, off Farm Close, Louise Lane. 13.81 ha for residential use approximately 413 dwellings.
We agree with your assessment of unsuitable as any development would extend Diss further into the open countryside and be too far away from the main services.
GNLP0599 Land off Walcot Road/Walcot Green, Diss. 3.29 residential.
We are in full agreement with both the GNLP and AECOM that highway constraints make this site is unsuitable. It is very rural and remote from the existing services and would have a visual impact on the adjacent nursing home. There is restricted visibility with 2 bends on the very narrow road and no pavements. It is unlikely that satisfactory road re-alignment, widening and the provision of pavements could be achieved.
However, we currently have a speculative outline planning application 2019/1555 for this site for 94 dwellings which we are opposing.
GNLP0606 Boundary Farm, Shelfanger Road. 3.00 ha residential.
This site is unsuitable as a large proportion of the site is at risk of flooding.
Development of this site would extend the built-up area of Diss into the open countryside. There is no safe walking route to schools in Diss.
GNLP1003 The Grange, Walcot Green, Diss. 2.02 ha residential.
This site is outside the settlement boundary. It is located in a bend in the road with no safe walking access. We agree with both AECOM and the GNLP that the significant highway constraints make this site unsuitable for development.
GNLP1038 Land North of Brewers Green Lane, Roydon. 1.06 ha for residential development 8-12 dwellings.
Development on this site would close the settlement gap between Diss and Roydon. Roads around this site are all very narrow and there are no safe walking routes to schools in Roydon and Diss. This site is unsuitable for development.
GNLP1044 Land north of Frenze Hall Lane and West of Walcot Green, Diss. 10.95 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
Site is adjacent to railway line with a narrow road Walcot Green which can’t be widened due to highway constraints including a gas main. Residential development would also extend the built-up area of Diss further into open countryside.
We agree with the GNLP and AECOM assessment that it is unsuitable for allocation.
GNLP2104 West of Shelfanger Road (part in Roydon and part in Heywood) 50.51 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
This very large site would alter the character of the settlements of Diss and Roydon. It is too large a scale for the development required in Diss. The road network is unsuitable both in terms of junction capacity and also lack of footpaths.
GNLP2067 Victoria Road, Diss. 0.42ha for repair and retail warehouse, business and office
This site is subject to flood risk constraints and there is sufficient employment land at present.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Respondent: Diss Town Council
Representation Summary:
Development on this site would close the settlement gap between Diss and Roydon. Roads around this site are all very narrow and there are no safe walking routes to schools in Roydon and Diss. This site is unsuitable for development.
Full text:
As you requested at our consultation meeting on 11 March 2020, I have commented on the other sites we did not discuss in detail on the day.
Policy GNLP0250/0342/0119/0291 land north of the cemetery, west of Shelfanger Road and east of Heywood Road. 8.91 ha which will accommodate at least 200 homes.
We agree with the GNLP conclusion that this is a preferred allocation. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group had already reached the same conclusion that the site was well related to the existing built up area of Diss and would enable the provision of a link road between Heywood Road and Shelfanger Road. This will help alleviate east/west traffic pressure in the north of the town especially on roads such as Sunnyside. It would also afford us the opportunity to extend the cemetery which we requested in our earlier consultation.
Policy DIS1 (GNLP0185) Land north of Vince’s Road 1.18 ha and to the south of Prince William Way. This would accommodate approximately 35 homes.
This allocation to be carried forward to the new plan from the local plan in 2015.
This is subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved including delivering an access to site from Frenze Hall Lane.
Policy DIS2
This allocation is carried forward from the local plan from 2015.
A small number of homes (approx.10) will be built to enable the rest of the site to deliver open space, natural green space and a riverside walk. It will also allow the Neighbourhood plan group to deliver better walking and cycling connectivity between Diss and Palgrave.
Note 1** Combined Policies DIS2, DIS7 and part of DIS6 are currently being assessed by both Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council as a possible site for a business hub including a new Leisure Centre plus other mixed use. They are due to report back on the feasibility of this option later this month.
Note 2** We have been given a commitment for a new Leisure Centre in Diss by South Norfolk Council and this is one of three sites being considered as a location.
Note 3** The site of the existing leisure centre 0.32 ha will become available and could be used for housing or possibly apartments
Note 4** Policy DIS7 if not used for a leisure centre should be considered for mixed use including housing.
Policy DIS3 Land off Denmark Lane, Roydon, Diss. 1.6ha allocated for residential development for approximately 42 homes.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried over into the new plan.
A figure of less than 42 may be more appropriate as there is a requirement for a 10m landscape belt on the western boundary which may limit capacity.
Policy DIS8 Land at Station Road/Nelson Road. 2.89 ha is allocated as employment land.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015.
The part of the site which was an old coal yard has already been developed as a car park for railway users.
Diss Town Council had pre-planning discussions at the end of last year with a developer wishing to build ‘Extra Care Retirement Homes’ on the remainder of the site. We were supportive of the scheme that was put forward at this meeting.
Since our meeting on 11 March 2020 we have received a planning application 2020/0478 from the developer for an Extra Care building containing 77 apartments (68 x 2-bed and 9 x 1- bed).
This will meet the employment use criteria and as the apartments allow full independent living accommodation should be included as part of the numbers required in the new local plan.
Policy DIS9. Land at Sandy Lane (north of Diss Business Park) 4.22 ha allocated for employment uses - Classes B2 and B8
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried forward into the new plan.
GNLP1045 Land west of Nelson Road and East of Station Road 0.94 ha.
This site is currently allocated for employment as part of DIS8 although the promoter is now suggesting the site for residential use.
As the site is adjacent to the Ensign way estate the proposal could be supported providing the density of development is no more than that on the adjacent estate I.e. 25 to 30 per ha.
GNLP0362 Land at Sturgeons Farm, off Farm Close, Louise Lane. 13.81 ha for residential use approximately 413 dwellings.
We agree with your assessment of unsuitable as any development would extend Diss further into the open countryside and be too far away from the main services.
GNLP0599 Land off Walcot Road/Walcot Green, Diss. 3.29 residential.
We are in full agreement with both the GNLP and AECOM that highway constraints make this site is unsuitable. It is very rural and remote from the existing services and would have a visual impact on the adjacent nursing home. There is restricted visibility with 2 bends on the very narrow road and no pavements. It is unlikely that satisfactory road re-alignment, widening and the provision of pavements could be achieved.
However, we currently have a speculative outline planning application 2019/1555 for this site for 94 dwellings which we are opposing.
GNLP0606 Boundary Farm, Shelfanger Road. 3.00 ha residential.
This site is unsuitable as a large proportion of the site is at risk of flooding.
Development of this site would extend the built-up area of Diss into the open countryside. There is no safe walking route to schools in Diss.
GNLP1003 The Grange, Walcot Green, Diss. 2.02 ha residential.
This site is outside the settlement boundary. It is located in a bend in the road with no safe walking access. We agree with both AECOM and the GNLP that the significant highway constraints make this site unsuitable for development.
GNLP1038 Land North of Brewers Green Lane, Roydon. 1.06 ha for residential development 8-12 dwellings.
Development on this site would close the settlement gap between Diss and Roydon. Roads around this site are all very narrow and there are no safe walking routes to schools in Roydon and Diss. This site is unsuitable for development.
GNLP1044 Land north of Frenze Hall Lane and West of Walcot Green, Diss. 10.95 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
Site is adjacent to railway line with a narrow road Walcot Green which can’t be widened due to highway constraints including a gas main. Residential development would also extend the built-up area of Diss further into open countryside.
We agree with the GNLP and AECOM assessment that it is unsuitable for allocation.
GNLP2104 West of Shelfanger Road (part in Roydon and part in Heywood) 50.51 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
This very large site would alter the character of the settlements of Diss and Roydon. It is too large a scale for the development required in Diss. The road network is unsuitable both in terms of junction capacity and also lack of footpaths.
GNLP2067 Victoria Road, Diss. 0.42ha for repair and retail warehouse, business and office
This site is subject to flood risk constraints and there is sufficient employment land at present.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Respondent: Diss Town Council
Representation Summary:
Site is adjacent to railway line with a narrow road Walcot Green which can’t be widened due to highway constraints including a gas main. Residential development would also extend the built-up area of Diss further into open countryside.
We agree with the GNLP and AECOM assessment that it is unsuitable for allocation.
Full text:
As you requested at our consultation meeting on 11 March 2020, I have commented on the other sites we did not discuss in detail on the day.
Policy GNLP0250/0342/0119/0291 land north of the cemetery, west of Shelfanger Road and east of Heywood Road. 8.91 ha which will accommodate at least 200 homes.
We agree with the GNLP conclusion that this is a preferred allocation. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group had already reached the same conclusion that the site was well related to the existing built up area of Diss and would enable the provision of a link road between Heywood Road and Shelfanger Road. This will help alleviate east/west traffic pressure in the north of the town especially on roads such as Sunnyside. It would also afford us the opportunity to extend the cemetery which we requested in our earlier consultation.
Policy DIS1 (GNLP0185) Land north of Vince’s Road 1.18 ha and to the south of Prince William Way. This would accommodate approximately 35 homes.
This allocation to be carried forward to the new plan from the local plan in 2015.
This is subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved including delivering an access to site from Frenze Hall Lane.
Policy DIS2
This allocation is carried forward from the local plan from 2015.
A small number of homes (approx.10) will be built to enable the rest of the site to deliver open space, natural green space and a riverside walk. It will also allow the Neighbourhood plan group to deliver better walking and cycling connectivity between Diss and Palgrave.
Note 1** Combined Policies DIS2, DIS7 and part of DIS6 are currently being assessed by both Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council as a possible site for a business hub including a new Leisure Centre plus other mixed use. They are due to report back on the feasibility of this option later this month.
Note 2** We have been given a commitment for a new Leisure Centre in Diss by South Norfolk Council and this is one of three sites being considered as a location.
Note 3** The site of the existing leisure centre 0.32 ha will become available and could be used for housing or possibly apartments
Note 4** Policy DIS7 if not used for a leisure centre should be considered for mixed use including housing.
Policy DIS3 Land off Denmark Lane, Roydon, Diss. 1.6ha allocated for residential development for approximately 42 homes.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried over into the new plan.
A figure of less than 42 may be more appropriate as there is a requirement for a 10m landscape belt on the western boundary which may limit capacity.
Policy DIS8 Land at Station Road/Nelson Road. 2.89 ha is allocated as employment land.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015.
The part of the site which was an old coal yard has already been developed as a car park for railway users.
Diss Town Council had pre-planning discussions at the end of last year with a developer wishing to build ‘Extra Care Retirement Homes’ on the remainder of the site. We were supportive of the scheme that was put forward at this meeting.
Since our meeting on 11 March 2020 we have received a planning application 2020/0478 from the developer for an Extra Care building containing 77 apartments (68 x 2-bed and 9 x 1- bed).
This will meet the employment use criteria and as the apartments allow full independent living accommodation should be included as part of the numbers required in the new local plan.
Policy DIS9. Land at Sandy Lane (north of Diss Business Park) 4.22 ha allocated for employment uses - Classes B2 and B8
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried forward into the new plan.
GNLP1045 Land west of Nelson Road and East of Station Road 0.94 ha.
This site is currently allocated for employment as part of DIS8 although the promoter is now suggesting the site for residential use.
As the site is adjacent to the Ensign way estate the proposal could be supported providing the density of development is no more than that on the adjacent estate I.e. 25 to 30 per ha.
GNLP0362 Land at Sturgeons Farm, off Farm Close, Louise Lane. 13.81 ha for residential use approximately 413 dwellings.
We agree with your assessment of unsuitable as any development would extend Diss further into the open countryside and be too far away from the main services.
GNLP0599 Land off Walcot Road/Walcot Green, Diss. 3.29 residential.
We are in full agreement with both the GNLP and AECOM that highway constraints make this site is unsuitable. It is very rural and remote from the existing services and would have a visual impact on the adjacent nursing home. There is restricted visibility with 2 bends on the very narrow road and no pavements. It is unlikely that satisfactory road re-alignment, widening and the provision of pavements could be achieved.
However, we currently have a speculative outline planning application 2019/1555 for this site for 94 dwellings which we are opposing.
GNLP0606 Boundary Farm, Shelfanger Road. 3.00 ha residential.
This site is unsuitable as a large proportion of the site is at risk of flooding.
Development of this site would extend the built-up area of Diss into the open countryside. There is no safe walking route to schools in Diss.
GNLP1003 The Grange, Walcot Green, Diss. 2.02 ha residential.
This site is outside the settlement boundary. It is located in a bend in the road with no safe walking access. We agree with both AECOM and the GNLP that the significant highway constraints make this site unsuitable for development.
GNLP1038 Land North of Brewers Green Lane, Roydon. 1.06 ha for residential development 8-12 dwellings.
Development on this site would close the settlement gap between Diss and Roydon. Roads around this site are all very narrow and there are no safe walking routes to schools in Roydon and Diss. This site is unsuitable for development.
GNLP1044 Land north of Frenze Hall Lane and West of Walcot Green, Diss. 10.95 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
Site is adjacent to railway line with a narrow road Walcot Green which can’t be widened due to highway constraints including a gas main. Residential development would also extend the built-up area of Diss further into open countryside.
We agree with the GNLP and AECOM assessment that it is unsuitable for allocation.
GNLP2104 West of Shelfanger Road (part in Roydon and part in Heywood) 50.51 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
This very large site would alter the character of the settlements of Diss and Roydon. It is too large a scale for the development required in Diss. The road network is unsuitable both in terms of junction capacity and also lack of footpaths.
GNLP2067 Victoria Road, Diss. 0.42ha for repair and retail warehouse, business and office
This site is subject to flood risk constraints and there is sufficient employment land at present.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Respondent: Diss Town Council
Representation Summary:
This very large site would alter the character of the settlements of Diss and Roydon. It is too large a scale for the development required in Diss. The road network is unsuitable both in terms of junction capacity and also lack of footpaths.
Full text:
As you requested at our consultation meeting on 11 March 2020, I have commented on the other sites we did not discuss in detail on the day.
Policy GNLP0250/0342/0119/0291 land north of the cemetery, west of Shelfanger Road and east of Heywood Road. 8.91 ha which will accommodate at least 200 homes.
We agree with the GNLP conclusion that this is a preferred allocation. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group had already reached the same conclusion that the site was well related to the existing built up area of Diss and would enable the provision of a link road between Heywood Road and Shelfanger Road. This will help alleviate east/west traffic pressure in the north of the town especially on roads such as Sunnyside. It would also afford us the opportunity to extend the cemetery which we requested in our earlier consultation.
Policy DIS1 (GNLP0185) Land north of Vince’s Road 1.18 ha and to the south of Prince William Way. This would accommodate approximately 35 homes.
This allocation to be carried forward to the new plan from the local plan in 2015.
This is subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved including delivering an access to site from Frenze Hall Lane.
Policy DIS2
This allocation is carried forward from the local plan from 2015.
A small number of homes (approx.10) will be built to enable the rest of the site to deliver open space, natural green space and a riverside walk. It will also allow the Neighbourhood plan group to deliver better walking and cycling connectivity between Diss and Palgrave.
Note 1** Combined Policies DIS2, DIS7 and part of DIS6 are currently being assessed by both Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council as a possible site for a business hub including a new Leisure Centre plus other mixed use. They are due to report back on the feasibility of this option later this month.
Note 2** We have been given a commitment for a new Leisure Centre in Diss by South Norfolk Council and this is one of three sites being considered as a location.
Note 3** The site of the existing leisure centre 0.32 ha will become available and could be used for housing or possibly apartments
Note 4** Policy DIS7 if not used for a leisure centre should be considered for mixed use including housing.
Policy DIS3 Land off Denmark Lane, Roydon, Diss. 1.6ha allocated for residential development for approximately 42 homes.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried over into the new plan.
A figure of less than 42 may be more appropriate as there is a requirement for a 10m landscape belt on the western boundary which may limit capacity.
Policy DIS8 Land at Station Road/Nelson Road. 2.89 ha is allocated as employment land.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015.
The part of the site which was an old coal yard has already been developed as a car park for railway users.
Diss Town Council had pre-planning discussions at the end of last year with a developer wishing to build ‘Extra Care Retirement Homes’ on the remainder of the site. We were supportive of the scheme that was put forward at this meeting.
Since our meeting on 11 March 2020 we have received a planning application 2020/0478 from the developer for an Extra Care building containing 77 apartments (68 x 2-bed and 9 x 1- bed).
This will meet the employment use criteria and as the apartments allow full independent living accommodation should be included as part of the numbers required in the new local plan.
Policy DIS9. Land at Sandy Lane (north of Diss Business Park) 4.22 ha allocated for employment uses - Classes B2 and B8
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried forward into the new plan.
GNLP1045 Land west of Nelson Road and East of Station Road 0.94 ha.
This site is currently allocated for employment as part of DIS8 although the promoter is now suggesting the site for residential use.
As the site is adjacent to the Ensign way estate the proposal could be supported providing the density of development is no more than that on the adjacent estate I.e. 25 to 30 per ha.
GNLP0362 Land at Sturgeons Farm, off Farm Close, Louise Lane. 13.81 ha for residential use approximately 413 dwellings.
We agree with your assessment of unsuitable as any development would extend Diss further into the open countryside and be too far away from the main services.
GNLP0599 Land off Walcot Road/Walcot Green, Diss. 3.29 residential.
We are in full agreement with both the GNLP and AECOM that highway constraints make this site is unsuitable. It is very rural and remote from the existing services and would have a visual impact on the adjacent nursing home. There is restricted visibility with 2 bends on the very narrow road and no pavements. It is unlikely that satisfactory road re-alignment, widening and the provision of pavements could be achieved.
However, we currently have a speculative outline planning application 2019/1555 for this site for 94 dwellings which we are opposing.
GNLP0606 Boundary Farm, Shelfanger Road. 3.00 ha residential.
This site is unsuitable as a large proportion of the site is at risk of flooding.
Development of this site would extend the built-up area of Diss into the open countryside. There is no safe walking route to schools in Diss.
GNLP1003 The Grange, Walcot Green, Diss. 2.02 ha residential.
This site is outside the settlement boundary. It is located in a bend in the road with no safe walking access. We agree with both AECOM and the GNLP that the significant highway constraints make this site unsuitable for development.
GNLP1038 Land North of Brewers Green Lane, Roydon. 1.06 ha for residential development 8-12 dwellings.
Development on this site would close the settlement gap between Diss and Roydon. Roads around this site are all very narrow and there are no safe walking routes to schools in Roydon and Diss. This site is unsuitable for development.
GNLP1044 Land north of Frenze Hall Lane and West of Walcot Green, Diss. 10.95 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
Site is adjacent to railway line with a narrow road Walcot Green which can’t be widened due to highway constraints including a gas main. Residential development would also extend the built-up area of Diss further into open countryside.
We agree with the GNLP and AECOM assessment that it is unsuitable for allocation.
GNLP2104 West of Shelfanger Road (part in Roydon and part in Heywood) 50.51 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
This very large site would alter the character of the settlements of Diss and Roydon. It is too large a scale for the development required in Diss. The road network is unsuitable both in terms of junction capacity and also lack of footpaths.
GNLP2067 Victoria Road, Diss. 0.42ha for repair and retail warehouse, business and office
This site is subject to flood risk constraints and there is sufficient employment land at present.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Respondent: Diss Town Council
Representation Summary:
This site is subject to flood risk constraints and there is sufficient employment land at present.
Full text:
As you requested at our consultation meeting on 11 March 2020, I have commented on the other sites we did not discuss in detail on the day.
Policy GNLP0250/0342/0119/0291 land north of the cemetery, west of Shelfanger Road and east of Heywood Road. 8.91 ha which will accommodate at least 200 homes.
We agree with the GNLP conclusion that this is a preferred allocation. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group had already reached the same conclusion that the site was well related to the existing built up area of Diss and would enable the provision of a link road between Heywood Road and Shelfanger Road. This will help alleviate east/west traffic pressure in the north of the town especially on roads such as Sunnyside. It would also afford us the opportunity to extend the cemetery which we requested in our earlier consultation.
Policy DIS1 (GNLP0185) Land north of Vince’s Road 1.18 ha and to the south of Prince William Way. This would accommodate approximately 35 homes.
This allocation to be carried forward to the new plan from the local plan in 2015.
This is subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved including delivering an access to site from Frenze Hall Lane.
Policy DIS2
This allocation is carried forward from the local plan from 2015.
A small number of homes (approx.10) will be built to enable the rest of the site to deliver open space, natural green space and a riverside walk. It will also allow the Neighbourhood plan group to deliver better walking and cycling connectivity between Diss and Palgrave.
Note 1** Combined Policies DIS2, DIS7 and part of DIS6 are currently being assessed by both Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council as a possible site for a business hub including a new Leisure Centre plus other mixed use. They are due to report back on the feasibility of this option later this month.
Note 2** We have been given a commitment for a new Leisure Centre in Diss by South Norfolk Council and this is one of three sites being considered as a location.
Note 3** The site of the existing leisure centre 0.32 ha will become available and could be used for housing or possibly apartments
Note 4** Policy DIS7 if not used for a leisure centre should be considered for mixed use including housing.
Policy DIS3 Land off Denmark Lane, Roydon, Diss. 1.6ha allocated for residential development for approximately 42 homes.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried over into the new plan.
A figure of less than 42 may be more appropriate as there is a requirement for a 10m landscape belt on the western boundary which may limit capacity.
Policy DIS8 Land at Station Road/Nelson Road. 2.89 ha is allocated as employment land.
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015.
The part of the site which was an old coal yard has already been developed as a car park for railway users.
Diss Town Council had pre-planning discussions at the end of last year with a developer wishing to build ‘Extra Care Retirement Homes’ on the remainder of the site. We were supportive of the scheme that was put forward at this meeting.
Since our meeting on 11 March 2020 we have received a planning application 2020/0478 from the developer for an Extra Care building containing 77 apartments (68 x 2-bed and 9 x 1- bed).
This will meet the employment use criteria and as the apartments allow full independent living accommodation should be included as part of the numbers required in the new local plan.
Policy DIS9. Land at Sandy Lane (north of Diss Business Park) 4.22 ha allocated for employment uses - Classes B2 and B8
This is an existing allocation in the local plan from 2015 and will be carried forward into the new plan.
GNLP1045 Land west of Nelson Road and East of Station Road 0.94 ha.
This site is currently allocated for employment as part of DIS8 although the promoter is now suggesting the site for residential use.
As the site is adjacent to the Ensign way estate the proposal could be supported providing the density of development is no more than that on the adjacent estate I.e. 25 to 30 per ha.
GNLP0362 Land at Sturgeons Farm, off Farm Close, Louise Lane. 13.81 ha for residential use approximately 413 dwellings.
We agree with your assessment of unsuitable as any development would extend Diss further into the open countryside and be too far away from the main services.
GNLP0599 Land off Walcot Road/Walcot Green, Diss. 3.29 residential.
We are in full agreement with both the GNLP and AECOM that highway constraints make this site is unsuitable. It is very rural and remote from the existing services and would have a visual impact on the adjacent nursing home. There is restricted visibility with 2 bends on the very narrow road and no pavements. It is unlikely that satisfactory road re-alignment, widening and the provision of pavements could be achieved.
However, we currently have a speculative outline planning application 2019/1555 for this site for 94 dwellings which we are opposing.
GNLP0606 Boundary Farm, Shelfanger Road. 3.00 ha residential.
This site is unsuitable as a large proportion of the site is at risk of flooding.
Development of this site would extend the built-up area of Diss into the open countryside. There is no safe walking route to schools in Diss.
GNLP1003 The Grange, Walcot Green, Diss. 2.02 ha residential.
This site is outside the settlement boundary. It is located in a bend in the road with no safe walking access. We agree with both AECOM and the GNLP that the significant highway constraints make this site unsuitable for development.
GNLP1038 Land North of Brewers Green Lane, Roydon. 1.06 ha for residential development 8-12 dwellings.
Development on this site would close the settlement gap between Diss and Roydon. Roads around this site are all very narrow and there are no safe walking routes to schools in Roydon and Diss. This site is unsuitable for development.
GNLP1044 Land north of Frenze Hall Lane and West of Walcot Green, Diss. 10.95 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
Site is adjacent to railway line with a narrow road Walcot Green which can’t be widened due to highway constraints including a gas main. Residential development would also extend the built-up area of Diss further into open countryside.
We agree with the GNLP and AECOM assessment that it is unsuitable for allocation.
GNLP2104 West of Shelfanger Road (part in Roydon and part in Heywood) 50.51 ha for an unspecified number of residential dwellings.
This very large site would alter the character of the settlements of Diss and Roydon. It is too large a scale for the development required in Diss. The road network is unsuitable both in terms of junction capacity and also lack of footpaths.
GNLP2067 Victoria Road, Diss. 0.42ha for repair and retail warehouse, business and office
This site is subject to flood risk constraints and there is sufficient employment land at present.
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