Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20736
Received: 12/03/2020
Respondent: Dacre Property Holdings
Agent: Bidwells
We wish to withdraw our support for the proposed residential allocation of the eastern part of the site (84-120 Ber Street and Mariner’s Lane Car Park) on the basis that it is no longer available for residential purposes. Land to the west (147-153 Ber Street) remains available, and the current allocation (CC2) for a minimum of 20 dwellings on this part of the site should be carried forward.
On behalf of my client Dacre Property Holdings, we wish to withdraw our support for the proposed residential allocation of the eastern part of the site (84-120 Ber Street and Mariner’s Lane Car Park).
Dacre Property Holdings, the site owners, have confirmed that the site is no longer likely to be available for residential purposes during the timeframe of the draft Local Plan, due to recent changes to the leases on parts of the site, which now run to 2035. Therefore, whilst the site remains suitable, in principle, for residential development, there is no certainty that residential development will come forward during the Plan period. Consequently, the site does not meet the definitions of ‘deliverable’ or ‘developable’ contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) glossary, as there is not a “reasonable prospect” of the site being available for this purpose. Therefore, the housing allocation on this part of the site should not be taken forward in the Greater Norwich Local Plan, as it is not sound.
The land to the west side of Ber Street (144-153), which is subject to a current allocation in the Adopted Local Plan (CC2), remains available for redevelopment, for a range of uses as suggested in the draft policy GNLP2159 (i.e. residential with office/commercial uses at ground floor and/or educational uses).
In light of the above it is requested that the wording of Policy GNLP2159 is revised to reflect the reduced site area, and reduced quantum of development. It is suggested that the current allocation (CC2) for a minimum of 20 dwellings is carried forward.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 20737
Received: 12/03/2020
Respondent: Dacre Property Holdings
Agent: Bidwells
Dacre Property Holdings wishes to withdraw their support for the continued residential allocation of this site, as it is not viable and therefore not deliverable/developable as defined within the NPPF.
Dacre Property Holdings wishes to withdraw their support for the continued residential allocation of this site.
The site has been allocated in Norwich City Council’s Adopted Local Plan for housing since 2014, and to date has not been brought forward. Dacre Property Holdings, who own the majority of the site, have extensively marketed their part of the site for residential redevelopment, with limited interest expressed by housebuilders/developers. No formal offers were received, but during discussions with one potential interested party, the value indicated was significantly lower than the site’s current value as a commercial/industrial site. This is largely due to the site’s sub-prime location within Norwich’s housing market, as well as practical issues such as the potential for land contamination from previous uses and the proximity of the site to the river with associated issues of flood risk and drainage.
Consequently, it would not be viable to develop the site for housing at the present time, and it is difficult to see how this will change significantly in the coming years. As the site is not considered viable, and is therefore not available for residential development, it does not meet the definitions of ‘deliverable’ or ‘developable’ contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) glossary. Therefore, the housing allocation should not be taken forward in the Greater Norwich Local Plan, as it is not sound.