Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22115

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: ESCO Developments Ltd

Agent: Mrs Amber Slater

Representation Summary:

Please see attached for full representation and supporting documents
The proposed development would make a positive contribution to the supply of housing in the area and could facilitate improvements to the local utilities capacity. The proposal would also add to the range of housing sites available in the locality, providing flexibility and a wider choice of development opportunities to the market, and thus strengthening the local supply of housing land. By providing sufficient land of the right type in the right place to support growth the development would address the economic dimension of sustainable development, as defined in the NPPF.

Full text:

On behalf of ESCO Developments Ltd and A & N Bulmer, please find attached comments and documents for full submission.
Attached are the following:
• Representations
• Site plan
• Ecology appraisal
• Landscape appraisal
• Utilities supplementary Information
• Expression of Interest letter from Saffron Housing


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22124

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: ESCO Developments Ltd

Number of people: 3

Agent: Mrs Amber Slater

Representation Summary:

1. The following comments are submitted in support of the suggested allocation of the land at
Langley Road (ref GNLP0463R) for housing.

2. Representations for this site were submitted to the previous Reg 18 Consultation rounds for the
Draft Local Plan in March and December 2018. In May 2019, further information was submitted
in support of the site which included an Ecological Assessment prepared by Hopkins Ecology and
a Landscape Appraisal by Greenlight Consulting, (both attached for your convenience).

3. The following Representations both reiterate information already submitted in support of the
site, as well as comments on the status of the site in light of the current consultation.

See full submission and attachements

Full text:

On behalf of ESCO Developments and M, A & D Hutton
Please find attached comments and documents. We would like to write in support of the allocation of the site. Attached are the following:
• Representations
• Site plan
• Ecology appraisal
• Landscape appraisal
• Delivery/Viability statement
• Utilities supplementary Information


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22138

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: ESCO Developments Ltd

Agent: Mrs Amber Slater

Representation Summary:

The site is being promoted by Lovell Partnerships Limited and ESCO Developments in conjunction with the landowners, with Brown and Co as Planning Consultants.

No significant infrastructure constraints have been identified to date which would be likely to delay or impede the development of the site for housing. The site is in a single ownership and no further land is needed to enable the land to be brought forward for development. The land is currently available for development. Subject to approval, this site could deliver housing in the short term.

The proposed development would make a positive contribution to the supply of market and affordable housing in the area. The proposal would also add to the range of housing sites available in the locality, providing flexibility and a wider choice of development opportunities to the market, and thus strengthening the local supply of housing land. New residents would add to the vitality of the local community. Given their accessibility, existing local businesses and services would be likely to derive support from the development due to the addition to the local economy of the spending power of new residents. The construction of the development would also provide some economic benefits, albeit temporary.

Furthermore, it is considered that Horsham St Faith would represent a sustainable location for development of the scale envisaged, given its close proximity to Norwich and its wide array of services. By providing sufficient land of the right type in the right place to support growth the development would address the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, as defined in the NPPF.

Full text:

Please find attached Full Submission notes & Documents.
On behalf of ESCO Developments Ltd, Lovell Partnerships Ltd and JF Parker and PM Parker-Brown we would like to object to the site being discounted.
. Attached are the following:
• Representations
• Site plan
• Landscape appraisal
• Utilities supplementary Information
• Lovell Delivery letter


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