Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21459

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Hellesdon Parish Council

Agent: La Ronde Wright

Representation Summary:

Based on clear support from the local community, and robust evidence demonstrating an undersupply of formal and informal open space in the parish, Hellesdon Parish Council hereby submit an additional representation (attached) in response to the GNLP Reg 1 8 consultation process. It is considered that this additional submission, which was made following further discussions with planners at the GNLP, addresses the matters identified in the site assessment of the Parish's original submission for this land.

In summary, this additional information adds further weight to the Parish's request to have this site allocated for community leisure and recreation use.

Full text:

Based on clear support from the local community, and robust evidence demonstrating an undersupply of formal and informal open space in the parish, Hellesdon Parish Council hereby submit an additional representation (attached) in response to the GNLP Reg 1 8 consultation process. It is considered that this additional submission, which was made following further discussions with planners at the GNLP, addresses the matters identified in the site assessment of the Parish's original submission for this land.

In summary, this additional information adds further weight to the Parish's request to have this site allocated for community leisure and recreation use.

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