Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 22288

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Hugh Crane Ltd

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

For full representation, please refer to attached documents.

Hugh Crane Ltd fully supports the identification of ‘Land to the East of Woodbastwick Road, Blofield Heath’ for residential allocation within the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan.

Strong support is given draft Policy GNLP 1048 which accepts the principle of residential development for 15-20 dwellings in this location but it is considered that the allocation should plan for additional housing at the site.

In response to be amber scoring for access, this submission is supported by a ‘Highways Feasibility Assessment’ prepared by Create Consulting Engineers. This demonstrates that safe vehicular access can be delivered at the site with new footway linkages between the site and the existing footway on the eastern side Woodbastwick Road.

The ‘Highways Feasibility Assessment’ also endorses the HELAA findings relating to the green score for ‘Transport and Roads’ category. The site is well related to existing bus stop along Woodbastwick Road. In addition it is demonstrated that the levels of additional traffic arising from a development of up to a possible quantum of 60 dwellings would generate a maximum of 41 two-way vehicle trips during the evening peak hours of activity and not give rise to any significant impact on the local highway network.

In respect of the ‘significant landscape’ category the site has scored amber meaning that the impact could be overcome. By virtue of development at the site, it is acknowledged that there will be an impact upon the landscape. The Blofield Parish Neighbourhood Plan (2016) identifies ‘Important Views and Vistas’ at Policy ENV8 and Figure 16. The site is not situated within any of the identified important views and vistas. A planning application at the site would need to adequately mitigate the landscape impact. A supporting Landscape Impact Appraisal can be submitted to the Council for consideration.

Strong support is given to the identification of this site for allocation and the bullet point policy criteria.

However, objection is raised to the arbitrary identification of a 15-20 dwelling capacity for the site based on unpublished school capacity data for the village cluster as detailed in response to Questions 45 and 46 above.

It is acknowledged that the site will be required to deliver affordable housing as part of the development, however as highlighted in the response to Question 27 above, the request for 33% affordable housing needs to be justified by up to date and robust evidence.

Finally, the extent of the site allocation boundary as proposed by the Council is required to be amended to reflect the extent of land available in light of recent employment development along Woodbastwick Road.

Full text:

For full submission, please refer to attached documents

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