Stage C Evidence Base

Ended on the 16 March 2020
Click the links below to download the documents in PDF format. Most modern browsers support PDFs without additional software but if you need a viewer try Acrobat Reader, which is free.

Caravans and Houseboats Study

Employment, Town Centre & Retail Study

Equalities Impact Assessment

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)

Greater Norwich Energy Infrastructure Study

Greater Norwich Infrastructure Needs Report

Growth Options

Interim Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)

Local Industrial Strategy

Non-GNLP produced documents provided for information only

May 2020 Letter to Site Promoters

The GNLP Team has written to the promoters of sites deemed preferred or reasonable for allocation or reallocation. The letter explains the process to begin agreeing Statements of Common Ground from autumn 2020 to ensure development proposals are deliverable and policy compliant.

Nationally Described Space Standards

Non-GNLP produced documents provided for information only

New Settlements Topic Paper

Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy

Non-GNLP produced documents provided for information only

Standard Methodology

Non-GNLP produced documents provided for information only

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)


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Schedule of Corrections

Site Proposals Documents

Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)

Sustainability Appraisal Report

Transport for Norwich

Non-GNLP produced documents provided for information only

UEA Development Framework Strategy

Viability Study

Water Cycle Study

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