
Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 15269

Received: 21/03/2018

Respondent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

The HELAA assessment does not consider the findings of the appeal decision APP/K2610/W/16/3165420 or application 20161100. These confirm that the site is not removed from services and that an access can be provided to HA standards.

Matters associated with Landscape and Townscape impacts can be resolved through a landscape led design solution.

The site is in single ownership with a landowner willing to deliver; it is available and viable.

Full text:

Site Ref: GNLP1056

The GNLP Analysis for the HELAA advised that the site is poorly located with regards to access and accessibility to services.
Part of the site has been considered through a planning application and appeal process. The Planning Inspector on appeal decision APP/K2610/W/16/3165420 states the following:

Para 14
Paragraph 55 of the Framework encourages housing in rural areas where it will maintain or enhance the vitality of rural communities but requires isolated new homes in the countryside to be avoided unless there are special circumstances. The proposed dwellings would be close to the village of Horstead, which benefits from a range of services and facilities and public transport connections to larger settlements. Thus, I do not consider the occupants of the proposed dwellings would be isolated.

The application 20161100 was also referred to the Norfolk County Council Highway Authority who confirmed that the site was capable of providing a vehicular access which would be compliant with their standards. The site would also provide highway benefits by relocating speed limit signs to incorporate the existing dwelling to the west and providing a footpath along the frontage of the site which would also connect the western dwelling to the footpath network.

Taking the above matters into consideration it is concluded that the site is not remote from services or facilities and that the site could be safely accessed, with additional highway connectivity/safety benefits provided by the allocation. Therefore, the negative (amber and red) results which the GNLP Team have concluded on their site assessment for Access, Accessibility to Services, Transport and Roads can now be considered as positive (green) outcomes.

It should be noted that the services and facilities in the settlement can be accessed on foot or by bicycle. Horstead and Coltishall are part of the Norwich Housing Market Area which will inevitably result in some commuting by car to Norwich for employment, services etc. Car journeys to and from the site to access Norwich would not require travelling through the centre of the village, unlike the other sites in Coltishall which have been promoted. The allocation of site GNLP1056 would allow for growth in the settlement without automatically increasing car movements through the settlement centre that are for commuting reasons. The centre of the settlement is constrained by a single car width bridge and none of the sites put forward for allocation would provide a contribution of the scale which would resolve this constraint. Therefore, the location of site GNLP1056 on the western side of the settlement would allow growth to occur and also ensure that there is not an automatic increase in traffic movements through the village centre.

The site has no historic environment issues beyond that which would be associated with archaeology and this could be addressed via normal investigations, therefore the HELAA assessment for that matter should also be green.

The site is not considered to be within a significant landscape area, as confirmed through the appeal decision.

The Planning Inspector raised concerns that the development, by virtue of its linear form, would remove views from the road through to the south and remove a connection with the open countryside. With regards to these matters we consider that by utilising all of the land in the ownership of our client a design could be developed which would provide for visual connections from the roadside through to the south to be maintained. This could be achieved with a significant portion of open space being provided and landscaped in accordance with the character area. A landscape led design solution would also mitigate against any concerns that the proposal would result in negative townscape outcomes.

The site is in one ownership and the landowner has clearly shown intention to deliver dwellings. The site is available, deliverable and viable with no constraints which would cause delays or result in non-completion of the allocation.

It is considered that the site GNLP1056 is suitable for further inclusion/assessment in the GNLP and is the most appropriate location in the settlement to accommodate growth.