
Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 16717

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Lanpro considers that the individual merits of this housing site has been wrongly assessed in the published HELAA scoring. We suggest the alternative scoring [as submitted - see full text and attached submission documentation] as it better reflect the sites close proximity to the new NNDR, the fact that no listed buildings or historic landscapes are located in close proximity to the site and that the access design although safe has not yet been approved by the Highway Authority.

Full text:

As advised previously there are no obvious constraints to development that would prevent the delivery of circa. 70 new dwelling units within the emerging Plan period.
The scheme is financially viable and as such affordable housing and some self-build plots can be delivered as part of the scheme to meet a known demand locally.
The opportunity also exists to share access, drainage and servicing costs with the developers of the allocated NHF1 site to the south. This would also ensure that allocated site NHF1 is able to come forward without further delay.
The opportunity also exists to retain and develop existing lines of mature tree and hedgerow planting within the site as part of the final scheme design. As such the scheme will also deliver net environmental gains for nature and improve existing and future residents' quality of life.

The HELAA capacity assessment December 2017 has assessed the suitability and availability of sites for residential development in broad terms by means of a desk top assessment and advice from a range of technical consultees. It identifies potential constraints to development and/or impacts of developing a site which may need further investigation and additional measures to facilitate development e.g. additional infrastructure or mitigation.
We have commissioned more detailed technical assessments on a range of issues from specialist consultants which have been summarised in Section 4 above. These have enabled us to draw more detailed conclusions on the suitability of this site as set out below:
[HELAA constraints and impacts analysis reviewed - Historic Environment and Transport and Roads impact assessed by the representor as Green rather than the Amber scores given in the GNLP assessment - see attached submission document for tabulation]
Lanpro considers that the individual merits of this housing site has been wrongly assessed in the published HELAA scoring. We suggest the above alternative scoring as it better reflect the sites close proximity to the new NNDR, the fact that no listed buildings or historic landscapes are located in close proximity to the site and that the access design although safe has not yet been approved by the Highway Authority.
