

Representation ID: 23244

Received: 10/02/2021

Respondent: Mr Alan Dempsey

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Refers to GNLP2149 - Blofield

I believe that the Local Plan as published is unsound because references to Area GLNP2149 appears to suggest that it is an area remaining under consideration for potential future development.

Area GLNP2149 has been subject to a planning application (Ref: 20181043, dated 20 June 2018). This application was refused by notice on 15 August 2018.

An appeal was lodged (Ref: APP/K2610/W/19/3220992) and was subject to an exhaustive review and investigation following which the decision to dismiss was made and published on 09 May 2019.

The Appeal Decision to dismiss confirmed that area is outside of the current defined settlement limit, determined that develoment would; 'effect on the character and appearance of the area.'

Specifically; 'would comprise a significatly harmful incursion of piecemeal housing development within a valuable belt of natural vegetation which helps shield the defined built-up area of this part of Blofield from the adjacent major road,' and 'would have a detrimental impact on the landscape setting of this part of the village and be of significant harm to the character and appearance of the area.'

The decision also comments that the proposed development would; 'encroach in a rather incongruous fashion beyond the straight edge of the defined settlement boundary and in to an area of naturalised vegetation that joins and augments the narrower tree belt alongside the busy A47 dual carriageway trunk road.' Any access would require; 'an extension to a quite long and very narrow private access currently serving four houses.'
Other submissions suggesting minor adjustments to access from the main road would somehow make access suitable and compliant are simplistic and ignorant of many other factors which make this access to any further development wholly unsuitable.

Change suggested by respondent:

This submission recommends that area GLNP2149 be more clearly defined as outside the Blofield settlement limit and all references to area GLNP2149 be removed from the planning documentation as its presence suggests it remains an area identified for potential future development and contrary to reasons defined within the Appeal Decision (Ref: APP/K2610/W/19/3220992).

Full text:

I believe that the Local Plan as published is unsound because references to Area GLNP2149 appears to suggest that it is an area remaining under consideration for potential future development.

Area GLNP2149 has been subject to a planning application (Ref: 20181043, dated 20 June 2018). This application was refused by notice on 15 August 2018.

An appeal was lodged (Ref: APP/K2610/W/19/3220992) and was subject to an exhaustive review and investigation following which the decision to dismiss was made and published on 09 May 2019.

The Appeal Decision to dismiss confirmed that area is outside of the current defined settlement limit, determined that develoment would; 'effect on the character and appearance of the area.'

Specifically; 'would comprise a significatly harmful incursion of piecemeal housing development within a valuable belt of natural vegetation which helps shield the defined built-up area of this part of Blofield from the adjacent major road,' and 'would have a detrimental impact on the landscape setting of this part of the village and be of significant harm to the character and appearance of the area.'

The decision also comments that the proposed development would; 'encroach in a rather incongruous fashion beyond the straight edge of the defined settlement boundary and in to an area of naturalised vegetation that joins and augments the narrower tree belt alongside the busy A47 dual carriageway trunk road.' Any access would require; 'an extension to a quite long and very narrow private access currently serving four houses.'

Other submissions suggesting minor adjustments to access from the main road would somehow make access suitable and compliant are simplistic and ignorant.

This submission recommends that area GLNP2149 be more clearly defined as outside the Blofield settlement limit and all references to area GLNP2149 be removed from the planning documentation as its presence suggests it remains an area identified for potential future development and contrary to reasons defined within the Appeal Decision (Ref: APP/K2610/W/19/3220992).