

Representation ID: 23347

Received: 08/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Trevor Bennett

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This aim does not appear to apply to Aylsham, where 550 new homes have been allocated to a town that is struggling with the last two developments, also of over 550 new homes. The schools are full, the health care services are inadequate and effectively less than 1981 when the population was below 5,000, as against a population of over 8,000. The road network based around a late medieval road network did not cope pre-covid and will not once normality is returned and parking is a real problem. Therefore this is an unsound policy in respect of Aylsham.

Change suggested by respondent:

There should really be no further development until there are marked improvements in the infrastructure. However, Reg.18 did involve appropriate consultation and opted for one site for Aylsham. Reg. 19 is neither legally compliant or sound, therefore the second site should be withdrawn and emphasis should be on building a new primary school prior to commencement of any building, improving the health and social care facilities and implementing effective changes to the road network, once the Town Council Working Party has come forward with its recommendations.

Full text:

This aim does not appear to apply to Aylsham, where 550 new homes have been allocated to a town that is struggling with the last two developments, also of over 550 new homes. The schools are full, the health care services are inadequate and effectively less than 1981 when the population was below 5,000, as against a population of over 8,000. The road network based around a late medieval road network did not cope pre-covid and will not once normality is returned and parking is a real problem. Therefore this is an unsound policy in respect of Aylsham.