

Representation ID: 23405

Received: 09/03/2021

Respondent: Brown & Co

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The GNLP in its current form is not considered to be sound due to an over reliance on large scale sites within the urban area, particularly in the fringe parishes, which fails to provide the plan with sufficient flexibility to meet short term needs within the early years of the plan period. The strategy is considered to be ineffective as there is a significant reliance upon sites which have failed to deliver during the current plan period, with some of those sites having been originally allocated in previous iterations of the Local Plan.

Change suggested by respondent:

It is considered that additional smaller sites, providing fewer than 50 dwellings should be allocated within the urban fringe parishes in order to ensure flexibility and delivery early within the plan period in order to meet need in the area, in advance of other larger sites coming forward. Site GNLP4040 would provide the opportunity to deliver housing in the highly sustainable village of Taverham, with up to 25 low carbon dwellings rounding off development in the area, together with biodiversity and landscape benefits.

Additional information required to adequately demonstrate the deliverability of a number of proposed carried forward allocations, or their removal from the Draft Plan and the allocation of additional small sites, particularly within the urban area and fringe parishes. This would help to secure the early supply and delivery of housing and prevent reliance upon lager sites late within the plan period which may inevitably stall as experienced previously.

Full text:

The GNLP in its current form is not considered to be sound due to an over reliance on large scale sites within the urban area, particularly in the fringe parishes, which fails to provide the plan with sufficient flexibility to meet short term needs within the early years of the plan period. The strategy is considered to be ineffective as there is a significant reliance upon sites which have failed to deliver during the current plan period, with some of those sites having been originally allocated in previous iterations of the Local Plan.