

Representation ID: 23443

Received: 10/03/2021

Respondent: Perseus Land and Developments

Agent: Gillings Planning

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The policy confirms that 'major residential developments' defined as over 10 dwellings will require affordable housing. However, the wording relating to care homes and extra care suggests this requirement will also apply to these uses. The Viability Report (2020) is clear that no account has been taken of care homes, nor extra care, in determining the viability of affordable housing. On this basis the last sentence should be deleted as it is not evidence based. If the case is made for extra care subsequently, the policy must still state it is not required for care homes. Unsound without this amendment.

Change suggested by respondent:


Delete the following:

"..... Irrespective of C2 or C3 use class classification, specialist older people’s housing will provide 33% affordable housing or 28% in the city centre."

or amend to include brackets:

"...Irrespective of C2 or C3 use class classification, specialist older people’s housing (excluding residential/nursing homes) will provide 33% affordable housing or 28% in the city centre."

Full text:

The policy confirms that 'major residential developments' defined as over 10 dwellings will require affordable housing. However, the wording relating to care homes and extra care suggests this requirement will also apply to these uses. The Viability Report (2020) is clear that no account has been taken of care homes, nor extra care, in determining the viability of affordable housing. On this basis the last sentence should be deleted as it is not evidence based. If the case is made for extra care subsequently, the policy must still state it is not required for care homes. Unsound without this amendment.