

Representation ID: 23448

Received: 10/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Trevor Bennett

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

This strategy does not apply to the market towns of the Greater Norwich area or even the villages that are supported by these towns. By significantly increasing the numbers of new homes in the market towns it will mean that people will struggle to have good access to services and facilities" due to the large increase in the population, without commensurate increase in the infrastructure needed to meet the need. The strategy is not sound when put alongside the increase in new homes from Reg.18 to Reg.19. and the resultant increase in car use.

Change suggested by respondent:

Reg.19 should be withdrawn for proper consultation and and a more appropriate and thoughtful examination of the need for new homes. By increasing the number of new homes in Aylsham by 83% from Reg.18 the aims of this strategy cannot be met, therefore either the strategy needs to change to stating that services will decline, there will be an increase in the use of cars and more environmental pollution or the amount of new homes should be reduced.

Full text:

This strategy does not apply to the market towns of the Greater Norwich area or even the villages that are supported by these towns. By significantly increasing the numbers of new homes in the market towns it will mean that people will struggle to have good access to services and facilities" due to the large increase in the population, without commensurate increase in the infrastructure needed to meet the need. The strategy is not sound when put alongside the increase in new homes from Reg.18 to Reg.19. and the resultant increase in car use.