

Representation ID: 23461

Received: 10/03/2021

Respondent: Ms Catherine Maclennan

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

I believe that this plan is not legally compliant because of the lack of consultation. I believe that the period of time for public consideration and reduced. discussion has been reduced. The fact that this decision was made in the absence of opposition councillors has resulted in the process appearing underhand and unreliable There is an unprecedented situation of a global pandemic that has resulted in obvious restrictions on social interaction and movement, it would appear that Broadland Council have exploited this situation to prevent transparency and the democratic process.

Change suggested by respondent:

1.A appropriate period for public consutation and review, one the lockdown
situation has eased and a public meeting can be held and a working party formed.
2. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans in detail for increasing the number of both primary and secondary school places.
3. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans in detail to provide appropriate surgeries, general practitioners and heal1h care workers.
4. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans to provide information as to adequacy of the sewerage system for the town and environs.
5. That Broadland Council publishes information regarding the adequacy of the water table and it's suitability for such a significant growth of population.
6. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans for an increase in car parking and shops within Aylsham.
7. That Broadland Council publishes information regarding the creation of pavements and street lighting.
8. That Broadland Council publishes forcasts and proposals for the increase in traffic in and around the town and into Norwich.

Full text:

I believe that this plan is not legally compliant because of the lack of consultation. I believe that the period of time for public consideration and reduced. discussion has been reduced. The fact that this decision was made in the absence of opposition councillors has resulted in the process appearing underhand and unreliable There is an unprecedented situation of a global pandemic that has resulted in obvious restrictions on social interaction and movement, it would appear that Broadland Council have exploited this situation to prevent transparency and the democratic process.

1.A appropriate period for public consutation and review, one the lockdown
situation has eased and a public meeting can be held and a working party formed.
2. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans in detail for increasing the number of both primary and secondary school places.
3. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans in detail to provide appropriate surgeries, general practitioners and heal1h care workers.
4. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans to provide information as to adequacy of the sewerage system for the town and environs.
5. That Broadland Council publishes information regarding the adequacy of the water table and it's suitability for such a significant growth of population.
6. That Broadland Council publishes it's plans for an increase in car parking and shops within Aylsham.
7. That Broadland Council publishes information regarding the creation of pavements and street lighting.
8. That Broadland Council publishes forcasts and proposals for the increase in traffic in and around the town and into Norwich.