

Representation ID: 23487

Received: 11/03/2021

Respondent: RJ Baker & Sons

Agent: Cheffins

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Greater clarity is required for the definition of 'delivery plans' refelcting the varied nature of parties that promote planning applications.

Change suggested by respondent:

Additional explanation is required as to what the Council believes a 'delivery plan' to be and that definition needs to reflect that some applicants are not the actual provider of new dwellings and therefore cannot specify delivery dates or programmes.

Full text:

Although we support the broad aims of this policy we object to Item iii.
Item iii states that ‘delivery plans are required with planning applications for 100 dwellings plus ….’. It is far from clear what is meant by a ‘delivery plan’ and the requirement ignores the fact that planning applications are sometimes promoted by individuals, landowners, institutions, charities or promotional companies rather than housebuilders. Such applicants sell their land on to housebuilders following the granting of permission and therefore have no control over the precise timing or actual delivery of development and no knowledge of that at the point of making a planning application. While a sequence of events can be defined, actual delivery dates will not be known in these circumstances. The policy wording needs to be reviewed in the light of these circumstances.