

Representation ID: 23488

Received: 11/03/2021

Respondent: RJ Baker & Sons

Agent: Cheffins

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Justification for 40 dwelling threshold seems absent and the relevant policy wording needs clarifying.

Change suggested by respondent:

Justification to be included and wording tidied up.

Full text:

Although we support the idea of an element of self-build plots we object to the detail set out in Policy 5.
Firstly, we are unsure as to the basis of the stated threshold of 40 dwelling developments and request that the Plan provides a clear justification for this level.
Secondly, the wording seems confused. The policy objective is to secure, via applications, a proportion of self/custom build plots within planning permissions. The second bullet point refers to such plots not being sold after being marketed for 12 months. That situation is applicable when a developer seeks to change an existing permission (conditions or S106) and so it is not relevant to the policy aim (i.e. applications) and should be reworded.