

Representation ID: 23492

Received: 11/03/2021

Respondent: RJ Baker & Sons

Agent: Cheffins

Representation Summary:

We support the policy with one minor comment. This is a highly suitable site which is relatively constraint-free and capable of being delivered in the short term.

Full text:

We support the policy and the formal allocation of this site. Our clients have recently commissioned more detailed technical work in respect of highways and drainage matters and this has confirmed earlier work and demonstrated the site to be relatively constraint-free. Those assessments have also helped to confirm the capacity of the site at 100+ dwellings. The Council has recognised the merits of this site in developing the proposals which were originally set out in the Regulation 18 Local Plan consultation and those changes are welcomed.

We believe this to be a highly suitable site with scope to develop a high-quality place, including views of Wymondham Abbey from areas of new public open space, within a quality residential environment, overlooking open countryside. Development of the site will also make effective use of already-committed infrastructure in respect of the nearby new London Road roundabout due to be installed this summer we understand.

We have one minor comment on the wording of the policy. In respect of policy criteria 3: ‘Provision of a 2m wide pedestrian/cycle access via Preston Avenue’ – it should be made clear that this is perfectly possible within the site allocation area. Beyond the site, and along Preston Avenue itself, any such provision will be focussed on the existing highway arrangements.

We have enclosed a conceptual master plan which shows a possible approach to the development of this site for around 100 dwellings and the main features of which are as follows:
• Access is via the Old London Road and thence west to the approved roundabout (due to be constructed in Summer 2021 we understand) on the B1172;
• Access to Preston Avenue is limited to pedestrians and cyclists only to protect residential amenity. No access via Abbey Road is proposed;
• Additional footpath access to the south (to Old London Road) is also proposed and footway provision along the whole of the southern boundary would be provided providing easy access into Wymondham and to nearby bus stops;
• The site layout, including areas of new public open space, and the primary access road, have been designed to afford views of Wymondham Abbey;
• Existing boundary features would be retained and enhanced and the concept incorporates soft western and northern edges to provide suitable buffers to the open countryside to the west and north;
• A new balancing pond, for surface water attenuation, would be installed on the lower western boundary where there are connections to existing field drains nearby;
• The site lends itself to a variety of house types and sizes including appropriate affordable housing and self-build plots; and
• Overall, it is considered that a quality ‘sense of place’ can be achieved on this site particularly with the central public open space surrounded by new dwellings.
