

Representation ID: 23502

Received: 12/03/2021

Respondent: Mrs Janet Skidmore

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Representation Summary:


Full text:

Policy 2 identifies some key principles to ensure the delivery of high quality development, and refers to accessibility, the efficient use of land, the delivery of green infrastructure, impacts on the environment including landscape and heritage, and the delivery of low carbon and resource efficient buildings. These principles are supported.
Mrs Janet Skidmore is promoting an additional allocation or contingency site at land south of Gonville Hall Farm in Wymondham (Site Ref. GNLP0320). The promoted development at this site would meet all of the key design principles set out in Policy 2. There are no constraints to development at this site. A number of site specific technical reports have been prepared for the promoted development including the following: Concept Masterplan; Heritage Desk Based Assessment; Preliminary Ecological Appraisal; Landscape & Visual Overview; Flood Risk & Drainage Appraisal; and Access and Movement Strategy.
The promoted development would also include a new vehicular access on to London Road, and no concerns are anticipated about highway safety or the function of the highway network. The site is accessible by walking and cycling, there are bus services on London Road and Wymondham Railway Station is reasonably accessible. The promoted development could enhance the walking and cycling network on London Road, support improvements to the existing bus services, and provide a new cycle route through the site. The promoted development would include new parkland areas, green corridors and green infrastructure to provide open space and wildlife habitats. The layout of the promoted development includes a buffer around Gonville Hall and the heritage setting corridors within the site remain free of built development. The site is not at risk of flooding, and the promoted development includes sustainable drainage basins to manage surface water. In addition, the promoted development would meet all design, low carbon, resource efficiency and water conservation standards.
No specific modifications are required to Policy 2.