

Representation ID: 23505

Received: 12/03/2021

Respondent: Mrs Janet Skidmore

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Representation Summary:


Full text:

Policy 5 deals with affordable housing and specifies that 33% of housing should be affordable from major residential sites. The affordable housing requirements are supported. It should be noted that the development currently under construction to the north of Gonville Hall Farm is delivering policy compliant levels of affordable housing. The promoted development at land south of Gonville Hall Farm in Wymondham (Site Ref. GNLP0320), would provide policy compliant levels of affordable housing if identified as an alternative allocation or contingency site if identified as an alternative allocation in Draft GNLP. The infill developments and small scale developments at villages are likely to fall below the threshold for providing affordable housing. A reduced level of affordable housing contribution is required from developments in Norwich. The most recent monitoring data demonstrates that there has been a shortfall in the delivery of affordable housing. In these circumstances, all opportunities should be taken to increase the delivery of affordable housing by identify suitable additional allocations and an additional contingency site, including at land south of Gonville Hall Farm in Wymondham (Site Ref. GNLP0320).