

Representation ID: 23517

Received: 12/03/2021


Agent: Maddox Planning

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

To be sound the Local Plan should be consistent with national policy, which means that policies should be clearly written and unambiguous (see paragraph 16(d), Framework). The amendments put forward at question 6 ensures draft policy 1 is clearly written and unambiguous.

Change suggested by respondent:

Draft policy 1 refers to settlement boundaries in the Norwich Urban Area (which includes Thorpe St Andrew) and states that housing growth will be considered acceptable within settlement boundaries. An amendment to the policy map is proposed to include Oasis Sport and Leisure Centre GNLP0540 within the settlement boundary. This is on the basis that planning permission for housing development (ref: 20151132 and 20190016) has been approved and the inclusion of this land outside of the settlement boundary will weaken the interpretation of draft policy 1 as it will not be clear what is built form of a settlement and where the countryside policies should apply.

Full text:

To be sound the Local Plan should be consistent with national policy, which means that policies should be clearly written and unambiguous (see paragraph 16(d), Framework). The amendments put forward at question 6 ensures draft policy 1 is clearly written and unambiguous.