

Representation ID: 23519

Received: 12/03/2021


Agent: Maddox Planning

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

To be sound the Local Plan should be consistent with national policy, which means that policies should be clearly written and unambiguous (see paragraph 16(d), Framework). The amendments put forward at question 6 ensures draft policy 5 is clearly written and unambiguous.

Change suggested by respondent:

The draft plan states that an increasing proportion of the population is over 65 or disabled, increasing the demand for supported accommodation such as, inter alia, care homes (275, GNLP). Consequently, the draft plan makes a specific allocation for specialised housing for older people and site allocations with an element of specialist housing. This means that the plan should support the redevelopment of vacant or unviable care homes to other uses. We therefore propose amendments to draft policy 5, so that where existing older people's accommodation and others with support needs is either unviable, vacant or it does not have good access to local services then redevelopment to residential will be supported. Amended draft policy 5 below:

“Development proposals providing specialist housing options for older people’s accommodation and others with support needs, including sheltered housing, supported housing, extra care housing and residential/nursing care homes will be supported on sites with good access to local services including on sites allocated for residential use. Should it be demonstrated that existing older people's accommodation and others with support needs is either unviable, vacant or it does not have good access to local services then redevelopment to residential will be supported in principle. Irrespective of C2 or C3 use class classification, specialist older people’s housing will provide 33% affordable housing or 28% in the city.”

Full text:

To be sound the Local Plan should be consistent with national policy, which means that policies should be clearly written and unambiguous (see paragraph 16(d), Framework). The amendments put forward at question 6 ensures draft policy 5 is clearly written and unambiguous.