

Representation ID: 23524

Received: 12/03/2021

Respondent: Noble Foods Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:


Change suggested by respondent:

No specific modifications are required to Policy 2. However, it is requested that modifications are made to the allocations in Marsham to ensure consistency with Policy 2 in terms of protecting landscape and heritage assets i.e. that Site Allocation GNLP2143: Land south of Le Neve Road in Marsham is deleted and land at Fengate Farm (Site Ref. GNLP3035) is identified as an alternative allocation for residential development.

Full text:

Policy 2 identifies some key principles to ensure the delivery of high quality development, and refers to accessibility, the efficient use of land, the delivery of green infrastructure, impacts on the environment including landscape and heritage, and the delivery of low carbon and resource efficient buildings. These principles are supported.
However, it is considered that high quality development would not be delivered at Marsham, and in accordance with Policy 2, because of the proposed allocation at GNLP2143: Land south of Le Neve Road in Marsham on the basis that development in this location would have a significant impact on heritage assets and landscape character. The Noble Foods Ltd representation to Site Allocation GNLP2143 is accompanied by a heritage report and landscape appraisal. In summary, it is concluded in the heritage report that development at land south of Le Neve Road would adversely impact the setting and landmark qualities of the church tower at All Saints Church (Grade I Listed Building), and that even with landscape mitigation measures the proposed development would be perceived in key views of the church. It is concluded in the landscape appraisal that development at the site would have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the open land that currently forms part of the setting of the village and the church, and it is unlikely that landscape mitigation would address the visual harm. Therefore, it is considered that the decision to allocate land south of Le Neve Road in Marsham for residential development would not comply with the requirements in Policy 2 for development to protect, preserve and enhance the landscape and historic environment.
Noble Foods Ltd is promoting an alternative site for a residential allocation in Marsham, at Fengate Farm (Site Ref. GNLP3035). The Fengate Farm site contains vacant and unused buildings and areas of hardstanding associated with a former poultry unit. The site is visible from the High Street and neighbouring properties. It would substantially enhance the townscape of Marsham if the fire damaged buildings at Fengate Farm were removed and replaced by residential development. There are no significant heritage, landscape, or ecological constraints to development at the Fengate Farm site. The transport and access assessment of the Fengate Farm site demonstrates that suitable vehicular and pedestrian accesses are available to support the proposed development, and that a safe and convenient walking route is available from the site to the primary school that avoid the High Street. In addition, the promoted development at Fengate Farm would meet design, low carbon, and resource efficiency standards. It is considered that the promoted development at Fengate Farm would be compliant with Policy 2, unlike the proposed allocation at land south of Le Neve Road.