

Representation ID: 23525

Received: 12/03/2021

Respondent: Noble Foods Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:


Change suggested by respondent:

No specific modifications are required to Policy 3. However, it is requested that the site assessment is corrected, and modifications are made to the proposed allocation in Marsham, including that Site Allocation GNLP2143: Land south of Le Neve Road is deleted, so that the requirements of Policy 3 can be achieved.

Full text:

Policy 3: Environmental Protection and Enhancement

Policy 3 seeks to protect and enhance the historic and natural environment including landscapes. However, it is considered that the requirements of Policy 3 would not be met because of the proposed allocation at GNLP2143: Land south of Le Neve Road in Marsham, on the basis that development in this location would have a significant impact on heritage assets and landscape character. The heritage report and landscape appraisal submitted with the Noble Foods Ltd representation to Site Allocation GNLP2143 demonstrate that development at this site would adversely impact the setting and landmark qualities of the church tower at All Saints Church, and it would have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the open land that currently forms part of the setting of the village and the church. As set out in the representations to Site Allocation GNLP2143, the findings of the landscape and heritage assessment for this site are not correct and the impacts would be more harmful and significant than predicted. Therefore, it is considered that the decision to allocate land south of Le Neve Road in Marsham for residential development would not comply with the requirements in Policy 3 for development to protect and enhance the historic and natural environment.