

Representation ID: 23609

Received: 17/03/2021

Respondent: Ms Cecilia Riccardi

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The purpose of my suggested amendments is to provide clarity as to the actual access and exit points to the site, especially as matters of access are usually determined at the early stages of the planning process . This avoids any confusion and ambiguity especially as in this case there are two London Roads, the B1172 and the Old London Road.

Change suggested by respondent:

To ensure the policy issue itself is sound:

Point 2: Please consider replacing this so that it echoes the wording above, as in:
“Vehicular access from the B1172 London Road and the Old London Road via the to be built roundabout, with a minimum 5.0 metre carriageway width, and 2.0 metre footway provision across the site frontage. Consideration to be given whether a footway should stretch the length of the site to the new roundabout junction.

Point 5: Please consider removing “Abbey Road or” from this sentence.

Additional Point: To ensure further soundness could the actual access point to the site be clarified. There is an argument for siting it at the widest frontage point as this disrupts the least number of households in Old London Road.

Full text:

I have already set this out in my comments in the introductory paragraph, see above: the two should be read together. However, for completeness:

To ensure this policy issue itself is sound:

Point 2: Please consider replacing this so that it echoes the wording in the introductory paragraph, as in:
“Vehicular access from the B1172 London Road and the Old London Road via the to be built roundabout, with a minimum 5.0 metre carriageway width, and 2.0 metre footway provision across the site frontage. Consideration to be given whether a footway should stretch the length of the site to the new roundabout junction.
Rationale: This would provide consistency and put access beyond doubt. It would improve the safety of pedestrians.

Point 5: Please consider removing “Abbey Road or” from this sentence.
Rationale: Abbey Road is unsuitable as an access/egress point for the Johnson’s Farm site. My submission to the Regulation 18 stage with accompanying map which shows the winding nature of Abbey Road and its proximity to a children’s playground refers.

Additional Point: To ensure further soundness could the actual access point to the site be clarified. There is an argument for siting it at the widest frontage point as this disrupts the least number of households in Old London Road.