

Representation ID: 23625

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Representation Summary:


Full text:

Policy 2 identifies some key principles to ensure the delivery of high quality development, and refers to accessibility, the efficient use of land, the delivery of green infrastructure, impacts on the environment, and the delivery of low carbon and resource efficient buildings. These principles are supported.
A planning application has been submitted for the proposed allocation at land to the west of Green Lane West in Rackheath (Ref. Policy GNLP0172). The proposed allocation, as promoted by Taylor Wimpey, would be consistent with the key principles for high quality development. The proposed allocation is accessible to the services and facilities and employment sites in Rackheath by sustainable modes of transport. The site area and quantum of development at the proposed allocation would deliver a suitable density of development, which is consistent with the characteristics of the site and surrounding area and would achieve an efficient use of land. The proposed allocation includes open space and areas of heathland on the western side of the Norwich Northern Distributor Road, in order to provide new green infrastructure for the area and to provide a habitat for protected species. The proposed development will be designed to meet low carbon, resource efficiency and water conservation standards. Therefore, it is considered that the proposed allocation at Site Ref. GNLP0172 would achieve the key principles of high quality development as identified in Policy 2.
No modifications are required to Policy 2.