

Representation ID: 23626

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Representation Summary:


Full text:

Policy 3 seeks to protect and enhance the historic and natural environment including landscapes.
The proposed allocation at land to the west of Green Lane West in Rackheath (Ref. Policy GNLP0172) does not contain any listed buildings and is not within a conservation area. The proposed area of open space is located within Rackheath Park, which is the grounds associated with Rackheath Hall (Grade II Listed Building), but no buildings would be located within this area. The site has high archaeological potential associated with the medieval period, but the geophysical survey undertaken for the planning application identified no archaeological features, and for the planning application it has been recommended that a condition is attached to the planning permission requiring a programme of archaeological mitigation work.
There are no statutory or non-statutory landscape designations that affect the site, and there is no evidence to indicate that the site is valued for its landscape qualities. A full Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) has been prepared for the proposed development site and was submitted with the planning application. To the north of the site is a residential area at Trinity Close and Sir Edward Stacey Road. To the south is commercial uses. The proposed strategic development at the North Rackheath Urban Extension is located to the east of the site. The site is enclosed by a dense hedgerow and hedgerow tree planting to the east, which forms a natural green boundary and screens the site in views from the east. The Norwich Northern Distributor Road is located to the west of the site. The majority of the existing vegetation within the site will be retained within the proposed development. The proposed residential areas will include landscaping and structural planting. The proposed development includes a substantial area to the east of the new NNDR for landscape enhancement and new wildlife habitats. It is concluded in the LVIA is that the site is a suitable location for residential development in terms of landscape and visual impacts, provided the landscape mitigation and enhancement measures are implemented. Therefore, it is considered that the proposed allocation would be consistent with the requirements of Policy 3.
No modifications are required to Policy 3.