

Representation ID: 23629

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Representation Summary:


Full text:

Policy 7.1 sets out the development strategy for the Norwich Urban Area and the Fringe Parishes. This area is identified as the main focus for growth in Draft GNLP, and it is the key location for existing and planned employment growth and is a sustainable location in terms of accessibility by walking, cycling and public transport. Rackheath is located within the Norwich Urban Area and Fringe Parishes area, and the strategy of directing growth to this area is supported. The proposed allocation at land to the west of Green Lane West in Rackheath (Ref. Policy GNLP0172) would contribute towards the delivery of the housing target for the Norwich Urban Area and the Fringe Parishes.

No modifications are required to Policy 7.1.