

Representation ID: 23647

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: RSPB

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The paragraph states the quality of our environmental assets will be enhanced, but doesn't describe how or by whom. This quality will be maintained and enhanced by the landowners not the GNLP.

Change suggested by respondent:

The plan delivers a bold statement describing enhanced quality of environmental assets but fails to qualify who will do this and how it will be funded. Most enhancement will be carried out by landowners, including conservation organisations using funding from charitable donations and various grants. Improved access to the countryside is desirable so long as it is and can be managed, and the effective use of developer contributions will be a key mechanism. RSPB very much doubts pressure on protected sites will be reduced by creating green infrastructure and the NW Woodland Country Park. c44,000 new homes with an average occupancy of c2 means on average 88,000 new residents. These residents will want to explore the GNA beyond the boundaries of green infrastructure on and linked to developments. This exploration needs to be mitigated for within the GIRAM process and appropriate allocation of develop contributions.

Full text:

The paragraph states the quality of our environmental assets will be enhanced, but doesn't describe how or by whom. This quality will be maintained and enhanced by the landowners not the GNLP.