

Representation ID: 23687

Received: 13/03/2021

Respondent: Mr James Bullimore

Legally compliant? No

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

I find myself with my head in my hands once again. How can this be correct or fair that such a decision can be taken without any input from local council or residents in Aylsham.
1- Reg 18 has stated that Aylsham would have one site put forward for consultation, reg 19 states there will be two sites. This has never been consulted on so not legally compliant.
2- Reg 19 had failed to consider the impact of two sites on the infrastructure needs of the town, including schools, health, roads and utilities.
There will also be an increase in the carbon footprint for the town. Are these proposals sound if this is the case?

I thought we were in this together, obviously not. If you continue to bring in plans in such a stealth like manner you will lose what trust and respect we the public has in the so called democratic system.

Full text:

I find myself with my head in my hands once again. How can this be correct or fair that such a decision can be taken without any input from local council or residents in Aylsham.
1- Reg 18 has stated that Aylsham would have one site put forward for consultation, reg 19 states there will be two sites. This has never been consulted on so not legally compliant.
2- Reg 19 had failed to consider the impact of two sites on the infrastructure needs of the town, including schools, health, roads and utilities.
There will also be an increase in the carbon footprint for the town. Are these proposals sound if this is the case?

I thought we were in this together, obviously not. If you continue to bring in plans in such a stealth like manner you will lose what trust and respect we the public has in the so called democratic system.