

Representation ID: 23736

Received: 21/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Richard Taylor

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Many Key Service Centes have had sites allocated often, (as in the case of Reepham) against residents' wishes (only 4% supported the priciple of PA 20200847/REP 1). Development on the scale suggested will reduce not improve access to services, such as primary school, GP surgery, which contradicts the justification for the strategy.
Reepham has limited employment opportunities; no railway; a slow and sporadic bus service (journey time 70 mins; nothing on Sundays; last weekday bus from Norwich to Reepham 17.15). The highway sustem is crumbling.
Locating so many new homes at such distance from jobs and travel infrastructure is unsound

Change suggested by respondent:

More use of brownfield sites, nearer the improved transport infrastructure linked to new employment opportunities.
The use of pooled CIL money has, to date, concentrated on projects about as far from Reepham as it is possible to be. This is an implict recognition that the KSC element of the GNDP was unsound from the beginning and needs now to be re-addressed, particularly in the light of zero carbon requirements.

Full text:

Many Key Service Centes have had sites allocated often, (as in the case of Reepham) against residents' wishes (only 4% supported the priciple of PA 20200847/REP 1). Development on the scale suggested will reduce not improve access to services, such as primary school, GP surgery, which contradicts the justification for the strategy.
Reepham has limited employment opportunities; no railway; a slow and sporadic bus service (journey time 70 mins; nothing on Sundays; last weekday bus from Norwich to Reepham 17.15). The highway sustem is crumbling.
Locating so many new homes at such distance from jobs and travel infrastructure is unsound