

Representation ID: 23754

Received: 21/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Patrick Prekopp

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The GNLP prioritises economic growth and development without putting the additional legal requirements of climate change at the centre. Para. 158 states that ‘the document meets the NPPF’s primary purpose for a local plan by providing the planning strategy for the pattern and scale of development to meet growth needs in Greater Norwich from 2018 to 2038’. What it should be stating is that it meets the NPPF’s primary purpose for a local plan to provide for “sustainable development”.

Change suggested by respondent:

The GNLP’s Climate Change Statement must include clear evidence-based carbon reduction targets, which are needed for the GNLP to demonstrate how it will meet its legal obligations.

Full text:

In preparing this plan, the GNLP prioritises economic growth and development without putting the additional legal requirements of climate change at the centre. Para. 158 states that ‘the document meets the NPPF’s primary purpose for a local plan by providing the planning strategy for the pattern and scale of development to meet growth needs in Greater Norwich from 2018 to 2038’. What it should be stating is that it meets the NPPF’s primary purpose for a local plan to provide for “sustainable development”.
Two sites brings an increase to the proposed level of development to 83% on the consultation figure – 550 homes increases the total number of homes by 15.6%. The population of the town is likely to increase by a similar figure. This increase contradicts point 188 in the Strategy section which states there should be “reasonable levels of growth in the main towns.” This increase cannot be met by the current infrastructure in the town or by improvements offered by the plans within Reg 19.