

Representation ID: 23778

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Environment Agency (Eastern Region)

Representation Summary:

We are finding this paragraph sound but do raise the following comments. This new paragraph has removed mention of natural capital as far as we can see. The paragraph does not mention of natural functioning of ecosystems which would be beneficial.

In relation to green infrastructure, there is a Green Infrastructure Plan from 2007 online, but there is also a Green Infrastructure Study (Dec 2020). The latter maps out ‘core areas’ for grassland, woodland and wetland but there is no explanation what this means.

Full text:

We are finding this paragraph sound but do raise the following comments. This new paragraph has removed mention of natural capital as far as we can see. The paragraph does not mention of natural functioning of ecosystems which would be beneficial.

In relation to green infrastructure, there is a Green Infrastructure Plan from 2007 online, but there is also a Green Infrastructure Study (Dec 2020). The latter maps out ‘core areas’ for grassland, woodland and wetland but there is no explanation what this means.