

Representation ID: 23782

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Environment Agency (Eastern Region)

Representation Summary:

We are finding this policy sound but would raise the following comments on green infrastructure:

Green infrastructure is not always bio diverse and the plan has not mapped the habitats (just core areas in the GI study) or linked to the relevant partnerships (174). Green Infrastructure can vary in quality. For example, farming and playing fields would be of lower environmental quality than other forms. The plan should encourage multifunctional bio diverse green infrastructure links.

Full text:

We are finding this policy sound but would raise the following comments on green infrastructure:

Green infrastructure is not always bio diverse and the plan has not mapped the habitats (just core areas in the GI study) or linked to the relevant partnerships (174). Green Infrastructure can vary in quality. For example, farming and playing fields would be of lower environmental quality than other forms. The plan should encourage multifunctional bio diverse green infrastructure links.