

Representation ID: 23783

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Environment Agency (Eastern Region)

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Nothing has been added here in response to our comments referenced in our previous representation and as such they still stand. There is no mention of water quality at all and no acknowledgement of needing to protect it or risks from development. As previously stated, the policy does not reference WFD which is a key piece of legislation supporting and setting specific targets for enhancement and requires amending.

Change suggested by respondent:

We would expect the policy to reference WFD as a starting point. It is important to reference water and water quality as this is something that designated sites rely on.

The policy should reference the Water Cycle Study and that development should be located in areas to avoid harm to the natural Environment.

Full text:

Nothing has been added here in response to our comments referenced in our previous representation and as such they still stand. There is no mention of water quality at all and no acknowledgement of needing to protect it or risks from development. As previously stated, the policy does not reference WFD which is a key piece of legislation supporting and setting specific targets for enhancement and requires amending.