

Representation ID: 23823

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Glavenhill Limited

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The Council’s decision not to allocate more housing in the Poringland Area is considered by Glavenhill to be unjustified and therefore unsound.

It is Glavenhill’s opinion that it is appropriate to supplement local housing provision to support local needs and the continued vitality and viability of this Key Service Centre. This can and should be done through the allocation of suitable and deliverable sites such as Land to the south of Poringland Road, Upper Stoke (GNLP0494R).

Change suggested by respondent:

GNLP0494R is recommended for allocation. It is suitable, available and deliverable and its allocation for residential use is a ‘sound’ proposition.

Full text:

The Council’s decision not to allocate more housing in the Poringland Area is considered by Glavenhill to be unjustified and therefore unsound.

It is Glavenhill’s opinion that it is appropriate to supplement local housing provision to support local needs and the continued vitality and viability of this Key Service Centre. This can and should be done through the allocation of suitable and deliverable sites such as Land to the south of Poringland Road, Upper Stoke (GNLP0494R).